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YANG BERJULUK ANAKNYA KITAB Oleh : Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq  Syaikh Abdurrahman adalah salah seorang ulama di masanya yang dikenal memiliki koleksi kitab sangat banyak di perpustakaan pribadinya. Suatu hari, ia meminta istrinya untuk membantu mencarikan sebuah kitab yang akan ia gunakan sebagai referensi di dalam perpustakaan tersebut.  Di tengah pencarian, sang istri yang sedang hamil tua mengalami kontraksi hingga kemudian lahirlah seorang bayi yang kemudian dijuluki Ibnu al Kuttub yang artinya anak kitab-kitab. Di kemudian hari, anak inilah yang dikenal dengan nama al imam Suyuthi rahimahullah. Ulama yang sangat produktif dalam menulis sehingga memiliki begitu banyak karya. Sang imam telah mengarang tak kurang dari 600 judul kitab. Dan beliau disebut- sebut sebagai salah satu mujaddid atau pembaharu Islam pada abad kesembilan hijriyah. Diantara karya beliau yang sangat lekat di dunia pesantren adalah tafsir al Quran al 'Adzim lil imamain al Jalalain, atau yang lebih dikenal

These 4 Psychics Reveal the Figure of President Jokowi's Substitute in the 2024 Presidential Election

These 4 Psychics Reveal the Figure of President Jokowi's Substitute in the 2024 Presidential Election - Ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu), a number of survey institutions are competing to issue the results of their latest survey on the electability of the 2024 presidential or presidential candidates.  Apart from survey institutes, some psychics also don't want to be left behind in presenting forecasts or results of their insights which are more advanced when compared to the results of survey institutions.  Not just electability, these psychics have mentioned the figure of the Indonesian President who will replace Joko Widodo in the 2024 Presidential Election.  And the following is a paranormal prediction regarding the figure of President-elect to replace Joko Widodo in the upcoming 2024 presidential election: 1. Anggra Putri Tania.  This well-known shaman thought that the figure of the initials of the 2024 president behind the letters had a 


I COMPARE INDEPENDENCE TO MARRIAGE Works: Soekarno I compare independence with marriage there are those who dare to marry, who dare to marry quickly some are afraid of marriage. Some say: Ah, I do not dare to marry yet wait for the F 500 salary If I already have a building there is a rug there is an electric light already have a bouncing bed, already have one cassette silver cutlery, already have this and that, even have a kinder-uitzet then I dare to marry There are others who say: I have dared to marry if I already have one table chairs four, "dining table" then one zitje, then one bed There is nothing braver than that namely the Marhaen brothers If he already has a hut only with one mat with one pot he married Marhaen with one mat, one hut: marry Then one zitje, then one bed: marry The nDara who has a building house electric, kookplaat, bed money piled up married Not sure which one is better not sure which one is happier The nDara with her bouncing bed or Sarin


JASMINE ON THE BOUNDARIES Works: Ismail Marzuki and Suto Iskandar You are a beautiful young girl Like a flower of jasmine You donate your soul On the border of Bekasi You are called Srikandi A true princess warrior You follow in the footsteps of youth Take control of the country Oh beautiful warrior princess Hear mother's call The longing fields await Your contribution Duhai young teenage girl Hometown edit Back in Mother's lap Serve us in the fields (1947) Notes: Melati di Bumtara is a struggle song by Ismail Marzuki and Suto Iskandar which was created during the post-independence Indonesia's struggle. This song was created as a moral message to the young warriors at that time, especially to the young women who took part in carrying the weapon known as the Barisan Srikandi. They are made aware that the struggle is not merely carrying weapons on the frontline battlefield. However, there are still many who need female workers on the back line, such as helping wit


TAFAKUR God, I'm so tired My body is sore and tired My heart is hurt and grieved I work, and work again Without ever thinking of stopping I hang my dream high Hoping my wealth is mountainous And thought they were worth fighting for But today I saw it, I was disappointed There's just a pile of trash there!  I spurred myself hard Pursue knowledge and gasp for breath But, God, the more I learn I'm getting stupid!  Sometimes I feel wasted Organize life in such a way Manage all resolutions and efforts Oh, my God, after a snoop or two I feel useless!  Now I know how stunted it is; my thoughts, my efforts Now I understand how big; my dream, my vanity How poor, how wrong, how naive!  Forgotten body sinks in the mud But hands up with arrogance Don't laugh at me, Lord Forgive my insult - Mahesa Jenar TAFAKUR Tuhan, aku sangat lelah Tubuhku sakit dan letih Hatiku luka dan berduka Aku bekerja, dan bekerja lagi Tanpa pernah berpikir untuk berhenti Aku gantungkan mimpiku

Nong Youhui, a boy from Dohua, Guanxi Province, China

Nong Youhui, a boy from Dohua, Guanxi Province, China Nong Youhui's abilities are similar to the Riddick character played by actor Vin Diesel. In the films Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick, Riddick is described as a human who has the super ability to see in the dark.  Nong's super abilities became the talk of the world after being exposed by local Chinese media in 2009. Nong Youhui's name became even more famous after the Guinness Book of World Records named him a Cat Human who has the ability to see in the dark, aka night vision.  Through a medical examination, experts found something unique in Nong Youhui's eyes. This boy's two eyes had the ability of a cat. When the light hit, Nong's eyes reflected the light. This uniqueness that Nong Youhui possessed was known to his father Nong Shihua from birth.  Nong Youhui, who has leukemia, avoids sunlight because it makes her eyes glare and hurts. Therefore Youhui preferred to be in class when her

Equally Magical, Feud between Pajaji Commander and Jilah Commander Heats Up, Ancestral Invulnerability Science Leaks

Equally Magical, Feud between Pajaji Commander and Jilah Commander Heats Up, Ancestral Invulnerability Science Leaks Recently, the figure of Panglima Pajaji who fought Panglima Jilah has been in the spotlight.  The reason is that the two commanders seem to both have supernatural powers that not many people have.  In fact, both Panglima Pajaji's troops and Panglima Jilah's troops were equally numerous.  It is known that the feud between Panglima Jilah and Panglima Pajaji is about the development of the Archipelago Capital City (IKN).  Now, the figures of Panglima Pajaji and Panglima Jilah are also being highlighted because they both have invulnerable knowledge.  Meanwhile, the figure of Panglima Pajaji who is in conflict with Panglima Jilah is now being highlighted.  The man with the typical Dayak tattoo turns out to have invulnerable knowledge.  Seen in one of the attractions he climbed on top of a sharp weapon and was not injured.  The attraction was carried out by