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ITIL EGG OIL (Minyak Teluh Itil)

ITIL EGG OIL (Minyak Teluh Itil) This pellet knowledge was obtained in South Banten in the coastal area where the origins of this knowledge came from the inland Baduy area.  I remind you that oil uses the highest level of gendam science and is the hardest compared to other pellet sciences. it can have fatal consequences for the target's life, so don't mess around with this knowledge, I suggest this knowledge is only used for someone who is really hurt because they have been betrayed, so you have to marry them.  real benefits: ....  ° Spontaneous jabbing towards the opposite sex (one poke immediately reacts) ° Once I get it, I will miss crying if I don't see you ° Anyone you want/go to will bend the knee without exception ° As beautiful/handsome as anything. No matter how rich you are, you will be attracted to the powerful pellets of luck that you have ° Attracts anyone who looks, especially the opposite sex ° Spread charm, wherever you are, other people will be