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Showing posts with the label Bring Rain

The Science of Three Ways to Bring Rain

The Science of Three Ways to Bring Rain Rain means a lot to humans. You can imagine how hot an area would be if it never rained at all. Therefore, when the dry and famine season arrives it can be unprofitable for humans, especially people whose profession is farmers.  Because humans need rain, Islam provides an alternative solution if the area we live in has not been watered by rain water after a long time. Sheikh Nawawi Banten in Nihayatuz Zein explains three ways that can be done if the rain does not fall. The purpose of these three methods is to ask Allah to send rain immediately.  These three ways are: message: message: message ين وأوسطها يكون بالدعاء خلف الصلوات فرضها ونفلها وفي خطبة الجمعة وخ God willing This means, “There are three ways to ask for rain. The easiest way is to pray alone or in congregation; the most intermediate way is to pray (ask for rain) after the fardhu prayer or sunnah prayer, this can also be done during Friday sermons, holiday sermons, etc.; Th