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5 Auras of People Die Soon

5 Auras of People Die Soon 5 auras of people who will die according to Islam, one of which is seen from their body temperature,  The aura of someone who is about to die looks a bit different. Although it cannot be absolutely certain, humans who are about to meet their end will usually show certain signs.  Rasulullah SAW said: "Indeed, every believing servant, when he is about to part with the world to face the afterlife, angels descend from the sky, their faces are white as the sun, they carry the shroud of heaven and the perfume of heaven, they sit as far as the eye can see..." (HR. An-Nasa'i) Some of the signs of a person who is about to die, as reported by from various sources, Friday (26/1/2024), are as follows.  Aura of a Dying Person 1. His physique begins to change The eyes of a person who will soon die will no longer radiate light, while the soles of their feet will begin to feel difficult to move.  The nose that was previously sharp wi