AMAZING IMAGE OF THE IMAGE By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq Al Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal Rahimahullah is known as a scholar who is not only deep in knowledge, but also admired for the height of his manners and the nobility of his morals. Al Imam Adz Dzahabi Rahimahullah said: كان يجتمع في مجلس أحمد زهاء خمسة آلاف أو يزيدون نحو خمس مائة –يكتبون، والباقون يتعلمون منه حسن الأدب والسمت "Those who attended the assembly of Imam Ahmad reached 5,000 people or even more. But only about 500 people recorded the lessons he delivered. While the rest were present only to see the beauty of manners and personality.”[1] The following are among the morals and manners of a priest that we can make as examples and role models in life. 1. Never pride yourself Al Imam Yahya bin Ma'in Rahimahullah «ما رأيت مثل أحمد، صحبناه خمسين سنة ما افتخر علينا بشيء مما كان فيه من الخير “I've never seen anyone like Ahmad. We have been friends for nearly 50 years, and he has never once boasted anything of his
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