Chinese Company "Brings" Dead People to Life with AI, Costs Tens of Millions of Rupiah - Losing a loved one, such as family or a friend who dies, is painful for some people. Now, technological developments make it possible for people left behind to "gather" with those who are gone. In China, for example, a company leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to “bring back” dead people to life. The existence of AI provides an opportunity for people who have lost a loved one to be able to hear the voice or see the deceased in audio or avatar form. Read news without ads. Join AI can imitate the voices of dead people The sophistication of AI in "bringing" dead figures back to life has been felt by Seakoo Wu. He is a father who lost his son, Xuanmo (22), who died of a stroke while studying at the University of Exeter, England in 2022. At a cemetery in eastern China, Wu took out and placed his cell phone on his late son's grave. Read news witho
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