Straight Hand Lines are Said to Have 9 Meanings According to Javanese Primbon SPIRITUAL AI - Each person's hand lines are different. There are several hand lines that not everyone has. One of them is a straight hand line. Hand lines are not just patterns on the palms of our hands. According to Javanese Primbon beliefs, these lines contain deep meanings that can read a person's fate and destiny. One interesting aspect is the straight hand line which is said to have a special meaning. Let's dig deeper and reveal the hidden secrets behind the 9 meanings of straight hand lines according to Javanese Primbon. 1. Life Line (Life Path): A straight life line indicates a directed and orderly life. A person with a straight life line tends to have a structured life journey and is rarely affected by external changes. 2. Good Health: The meaning of straight hand lines according to Javanese primbon ( A straight line in the health section indic
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