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Showing posts with the label Prophet Muhammad SAW

Tips from Prophet Muhammad SAW if part of the body hurts

Tips from Prophet Muhammad SAW if part of the body hurts Prophet Muhammad (illustration) -- The Prophet Muhammad SAW showed how to heal a painful part of the body suffered by a Muslim. This method is stated in several hadith histories from Uthman bin Abi Al 'Ash Al Tsaqofi.  This guidance not only shows the Prophet SAW's concern for the health of his people, but also teaches the importance of connecting healing efforts with prayer and trust in Allah SWT. This healing method taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW emphasizes that healing is not only through medical efforts, but also with a spiritual approach.  The prayer that is read contains a request for protection from Allah from all the evil that is felt, showing how important faith and prayer are in the healing process.  In the book Al Jami' Al Shagir, there is a history of hadith narrated by As Suyuthi. Here's the hadith: - ضَع يمينَكَ عَلى المَكانِ الَّذي تُشتَكي فامسَحْ بِها سبعَ مرَّاتٍ وقُل أعوذُ بعزَّةِ

Incredible, it turns out that this was the task of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who was sent to the world

Incredible, it turns out that this was the task of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who was sent to the world Design for commemorating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad by Ahmad Alfariqi – The main purpose of the Messenger of Allah being sent to earth was to perfect human morals. This is as stated in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH: "I was sent only to perfect noble morals." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)  The purpose of perfecting noble morals is to guide humans to have good and commendable morals, such as being honest, fair, trustworthy, patient and forgiving. Scroll to read the full article below.  As is known, humans are the place where they make many mistakes in their daily life. This is where the Prophet Muhammad SAW played a role. Where, it turns out that the main task of the Prophet Muhammad SAW was not actually ordered to convert everyone in the world to Islam or even rule the world, but to be a blessing to the universe and a perfecter of morals.  Apostle of

The story of a friend who saw an angel protecting the Prophet Muhammad SAW during the war

The story of a friend who saw an angel protecting the Prophet Muhammad SAW during the war Calligraphy illustration of the Prophet Muhammad -- Prophet Muhammad SAW always received the protection of Allah SWT when he fought in a war. One of the friends of the Prophet SAW also became a witness to what he knew.  Narrated from Sa'ad bin Abi Waqash RA, he said: - رَأَيْتُ عن يَمِينِ رَسولِ اللهْ َعَنْ شِمَالِهِ يَومَ أُحُدٍ رَجُلَيْنِ عليهما ثِيَابُ بَيَاضٍ، ما God willing َ عليهما السَّلَامُ.  "On the day of the battle of Uhud, I saw two people dressed in white. Each of them was on the right and left of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) whom I had never seen before or after. They were Jibril and Mikail 'alaihimas salam." (HR. Muslim) This hadith shows that Allah SWT protected His messenger. In this case, Allah SWT gave protection to the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the war that he SAW went through.  Allah SWT sent angels to fight with the Prop

5 World Figures Descendants of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

5 World Figures Descendants of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Among the world figures descended from the Prophet Muhammad SAW, there are those who have become kings in their countries, and there are also clerics who are highly respected. Photo/RHS The following are world figures who are descendants of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ or known as Dzurriyah Nabi. Among them there are those who are kings in their country, there are also scholars who are highly respected.  The origins of the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ who are now spread throughout the world began with the emigration of Imam Ahmad bin Isa Al-Muhajir from Basrah (Iraq) to Hadhramaut Yemen and his descendants there. Ahmad bin Isa (died 345 AH), was called Al-Muhajir because he left Basrah during the reign of the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad 317 AH (896 AD).  In Indonesia, descendants of the Prophet Muhammad are often called Habib. This term is more popular than "Sayyid or Sharif" even though both are intended to