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Showing posts with the label SEARCHING THE WORLD WITH RELIGION


SEARCHING THE WORLD WITH RELIGION God willing The message ما يطلب ما عند الله من الدرجات العلى والنعيم المقيم والقرب منه والز لفى لديه _"Seeking a position and position before humans by using religion, such as selling knowledge, pious deeds, and asceticism, this is truly dirtier, worse, more corrupt and more dangerous than seeking it with worldly things._ _Because, knowledge, pious deeds, and an ascetic attitude should be carried out in order to obtain what is with Allah, in the form of a high degree, eternal enjoyment, and closeness with Allah."_ ~Ibnu Rajab al Hambali.  📚 Majmu'ah ar Rasail al-Muniriyah (3/9) 🌻🌿🌻🌿🌻🌿🌻🌿🌻🌿 Some scholars provide reminders: كل بكسبك ولا تأكل بدينك Eat from (the results of) your efforts, don't eat from (selling) your religion.....  ©AST ═══ ❁✿❁ ═══ ⤵️ 📱 MENCARI DUNIA DENGAN AGAMA طلب الشرف والعلو على الناس بالأمور الدينية كالعلم والعمل والزهد فهذا أفحش