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Showing posts with the label Practice

White Pellet Practice

White Pellet Practice Permission of the teachers, Kyai, Elders and Mbah🙏.  permission to share Practice  "WHITE PELLETS" -Take complete ablution, enter the room facing the Qibla.  -recite the alfatiha 1x, greeting the right and left shoulders.  -read the amala "ALLAHUMMA ALIF BAINI (Say his name while imagining his face) KADAM ALAFTA ADAM WAHAWA" Read the above practice 3 times on both palms and then rub it on your face.  practice time, done before bed.  make it a habit before bed 🙏 remember it is Haram if it is misused..🙏 Benefits: Can help those of you who have difficulty getting along or want to be serious with someone or whose love is one-sided or want to subdue a partner whose love for you has started to fade.  Read and send a special surah alfatiha once in my name and SAY QOBILTU  Hope it is useful..  For those who want extreme and extra fast, just let me know in the inbox..  polite greetings🙏 Amalan Pelet Putih Izin p

Verses Wirid Practice Destroying Unjust People Long Distance

Verses Wirid Practice Destroying Unjust People Long Distance - In this post, we will again share a special practice, wirid or prayer for all of our friends, who are currently facing many problems related to their relationships with other people.  Maybe all this time he has often been hurt by other people, often hurt, often wasted, has bad behavior. Hurt and then dropped and so on.  These friends don't need to be hurt later if someone else hurts them, if they are hurt, if they are dropped. This need not hurt.  It is enough to just read this practice later, Allah will repay it, later Allah's troops will repay it by practicing this. But the condition is that friends must really be able to get rid of grudges, why? Because by eliminating the feeling of resentment, anger, the energy of this prayer, this wirid energy can be maximized.  Because this prayer generates positive energy, energy that destroys enemies, energy that destroys people who are difficult to be friends wi


PRACTICE IN THE MONTH OF DZULHIJJAH _By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq_ *I. Hajj* "There is no reward worthy of hajj mabrur other than paradise." (Narrated by Bukhari Muslim).  *II. Fasting on the day of Arafah* "Fast one day of Arafat, I hope to Allah, He will erase the sins of the previous year and the year after." (Muslim HR) *III. Increase fasting at the beginning of Dzulhijjah* From Ummul Mukminin, Hafshah, that the Prophet fasted Ashura, the first nine days of Dzulhijjah, and three days each month. (HR. An Nasa'i).  *IV. Holiday* The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalam came out on the day of Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fithri, then he prayed two cycles of prayer. " (HR Bukhari) *V. qurban* "There is no practice that is most loved by Allah from the children of Adam during the Eid al-Adha holiday other than slaughtering sacrificial animals." (Narrated by Tirmidhi) "Whoever finds himself in a state of spaciousness, then he doesn't mak

Practice Hypnotist Science

Practice Hypnotist Science. How to Practice Hypnotist Science Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that can be used to help individuals overcome various problems such as stress, anxiety, addiction, and even physical pain. If you are interested in practicing hypnosis, here are some steps you can follow: Educate Yourself: Start by reading up on the science of hypnosis. There are several books and online resources available that can teach you about the history, theory, and practical aspects of hypnosis. Learn from a Mentor: Find a reputable hypnotherapist who can mentor you and teach you the necessary skills. You can also attend workshops and training programs that offer certifications in hypnotherapy. Practice: Practice is essential to becoming a skilled hypnotist. Begin by practicing self-hypnosis and then gradually move on to working with others. Build Rapport: Hypnosis is based on trust and rapport. Therefore, it is essential to establish a good rapport with your client bef

Sholawat Practice to Double Money

Sholawat Practice to Double Money Assalamualaikum  wr.wb 🔴  SHOLAWAT PENARIK UANG (IJASAH GRATIS) 🔴  Karomah LUAR BIASA 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐚 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐚𝐢 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐤 𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐦...!!!. --------------- --------------- ---- Adapun beberapa khasiat fadhilah yang ada di dalam sholawat penarik uang adalah : Untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah subhanawatala Mendatangkan uang gaib di atas sajadah baik yang umum maupun untuk keperluan yang mendesak Bisa melipat gandakan uang Bisa membuat uang balik Bisa menambah uang yang ada di laci uang bagi pedagang Bisa membuat atm terisi dengan sendirinya dengan nilai ratusan juta dan sebagainya Intinya karamat sholawat penarik uang khusus untuk urusan uang selebihnya akan mendapat kan syafaat Baginda Nabi Muhammad shalallahu alaihi wasallam Semua atas kuasa dan izin Allah subhanawatala manusia cuma bisa berikhtiar Allah jualah yang menentukannya --------------- --------------- --------- Jangan