THE COURAGE OF ASH BURGER IN DEFENDING THE APOSTLE By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq Abdullah bin Umar radhiyallahu'anhu said: "When Rasulullah ﷺ was praying in the courtyard of the Grand Mosque, a man from Quraysh named Uqbah bin Mu'ith ambushed him. He lunged at the Prophet ﷺ, grabbed him by the shoulders and wrapped a cloth around his neck ﷺ. In the condition that Rasulullah ﷺ was very exhausted, Abu Bakr came to help him. He pushed Uqbah away from Rasulullah ﷺ while saying firmly: ويلكم أتقتلون رجلا أن يقول ربي الله ؟ 'Woe to you! Are you going to kill someone just because he says my God is Allah?" In a history Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu'anhu once asked the people who were with him: أخبروني من أشجع الناس "Do you know who is the most brave person...?" They replied: "Of course it is you." Sayidina Ali replied: إني ما بارزت أحدا إلا انتصفت منه و لكن اخبروني بأشجع الناس I am doing a duel in a way face to face. There are more daring
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