SAMUDRO WIND ASMA K Finally, now we take out one of the Asmak with Sanad to Kanjeng Sunan Bonang, this asmak is very historical and wingit, This asmak has exactly the same benefits as the top asmak wind, but its power is above the upper peak of the wind. It could be called the ultimate of wind asmak asmak. We deliberately made it public so that everyone understands can take care of it and use it in the path of goodness naturally. Let me explain a little about the benefits This Asmak energy is very subtle and powerful like the wind, everything bad/negative/evil/etc when reading Just 3x this asthma and it will disappear by itself. Moving the jin / witchcraft / guna guna / teluh / kingdom of the genies negative / etc. Just be intentional and read 3x Fill any media such as paper tattoos / cloth / stones / bracelet / tasbih / oil / etc for any purpose or any khodam goes in very quickly and permanently without abstinence is enough intention and read the short man
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