ASMA RAJEH IN RAJEH KUBRO THIS ASMA' IS THE MUSTIKAS OF RAJEH'S SCIENCE, THE INHERITANCE OF THE PROPHET KHIDIR AS. ALSO, AS THE ULTIMATE OF THE SCIENCE OF RAJEH, TO DISABLE THE ENEMY WITH THE POINT OF A FINGER, ALL THE POWER OF THE SCIENCE OF ASMA' SUNGE RAJEH AND ALL OF THE SCIENCE OF RAJEH WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE OWNER OF THIS KNOWLEDGE. EVEN IF YOU CAN POSSESS ALL OF ITS POWER, PULL IT OR SUCK IT (IF THE ENEMY HAS RAJEH KNOWLEDGE FOR EVIL), THIS KNOWLEDGE IS THE RAJEH OF ALL RAJEH KNOWLEDGE. Its main uses include: 1. Body protection and immunity. 2. Safety science. 3. Effective sales. 4. Survive the attacks and beatings. 5. The science of disappearing from enemies. 6. general and special mahabbah. 7. physical strength. 8. Easy salary / position increase. 9. Loved by Boss or employer. 10. Fear of spirits. 11. survived police raids. 12. Controlling the wind. 13. Moving rain. 14. Strengthen azimah and lucky objects. 15. Destroy long-range enemies.
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