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Showing posts with the label Israel's Fear of Facing the End Times

Israel's Fear of Facing the End Times, Many People Plant Gharqad Trees

Israel's Fear of Facing the End Times, Many People Plant Gharqad Trees Israel is actively planting Gharqad Trees. This tree is believed to help Jews hide themselves from Muslim threats at the end of time. Photo/doc Channel Islamic Paragraph Israeli Zionists' fears of facing the end times are well founded. This fear arose when we heard the news from the Prophet ﷺ about the condition of the Jews before the Day of Judgment.  In order to maintain the survival and sovereignty of the Jewish people, Israel is busy planting Gharqad Trees (الْغَرْقَدَ) as their hiding place when the end-time war occurs.  In the Qur'an, the Children of Israel are described as a people who are disobedient, cowardly, stubborn, always hiding the truth and disobedient to their Prophet. That is also why Allah forbade the holy land of Palestine (Cana'an) for them to inhabit at the time of the Prophet Moses. (Surah Al-Maidah Verse 26) Hadith that scares the Jewish people Regardin