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5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Cyber ​​Theft

5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Cyber ​​Theft By knowing what to look for, you can reduce your risk of becoming a victim of cyber theft.  Fact Check Infographic of personal data theft Cyber ​​Social Identity Protection Instructor at ProtectNow Robert Siciliano said, maintaining security online can start from recognizing signs that could indicate fraud. By knowing what to look for, you can reduce your risk of becoming a victim of cyber theft.  This fraud involves messages, such as emails, texts or online advertisements that try to obtain personal information. For example, when you click on a link of unknown origin, you are asked to confirm your account information or update your account password.  Unscrupulous people then take your identity information and use it to make purchases or access your account.  "There are a lot of phishing scams out there that exploit people's fears," said Robert Siciliano.  Make Online Purchases with Care Illustration of online transacti

Obama Criticizes Elon Musk: It's Better to Protect Earth Than Mars

Obama Criticizes Elon Musk: It's Better to Protect Earth Than Mars Barack Obama. Photo: AP/Carolyn Kaster -  Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos through their respective companies, SpaceX and Blue Origin, have the ambition to build colonies in outer space, including the planet Mars. However, the effort was criticized by the former president of the United States, Barack Obama.  According to him, Earth will be more habitable than the planet Mars, even after nuclear war. Obama argued that the tycoons in Silicon Valley should focus more on saving the Earth than investing in flying humans into space.  "When I hear some people talk about plans to colonize Mars because Earth's environment may be so degraded as to be uninhabitable, I look at them and wonder, what are you talking about?" Obama said at the opening of the POwR.Earth 2024 Summit in Paris.  SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT "Even after a nuclear war, Earth will be more habitable than Mars, even if we don't

4 Jin Khodam who will continue to protect their master's descendants

4 Jin Khodam who will continue to protect their master's descendants Illustration of Buto Ijo khodam  - In Javanese myths, the existence of khodam or supernatural entities is often believed to be a guardian and protector for certain families or descendants.  The following are four khodams in Javanese myth which are believed to protect their master's descendants from major disasters: 1. Genie Deer Jin Kancil in Javanese mythology is considered a clever and agile khodam.  They are believed to be guardians of descendants who have the intelligence and expertise to avoid major disasters.  Jin Kancil is believed to be able to provide guidance and advice to his master's descendants, so that they can avoid imminent danger.  2. Jin Barong Jin Barong is a khodam which is often associated with courage and strength.  They are believed to be hereditary guardians who can protect from major disasters with their strength and resilience.  Jin Barong is believed to