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Showing posts with the label Mahfud

Mahfud Suspects There Are 3 Problems at Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, One of them is Criminal

Mahfud Suspects There Are 3 Problems at Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, One of them is Criminal The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud Md said that there were three problems allegedly committed by the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), Indramayu. West Java.  The three problems include criminal acts, administration, and social order and security.  This was conveyed by Mahfud after listening to the delivery of the Governor of West Java (West Java) Ridwan Kamil at his office, Jakarta, Saturday (24/6/2023).  "There is a strong allegation that there have been three problems," said Mahfud after meeting Ridwan.  Mahfud explained that the government would follow up with three steps for completion.  First, regarding the problem of criminal acts, Mahfud said, the National Police would handle it.  He added that the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and the National Police had recei

Mahfud Explains Chronology of the Discovery of Rafael Alun's "Deposit Box" Containing IDR 37 Billion

Mahfud Explains Chronology of the Discovery of Rafael Alun's "Deposit Box" Containing IDR 37 Billion The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD explained the chronology of the discovery of money allegedly the result of a bribe of Rp. 37 billion belonging to Rafael Alun Trisambodo.  As is known, the money was kept by Rafael in a safe deposit box or safe deposit box in his possessions.  Mahfud revealed that previously Rafael had gone back and forth to various deposit boxes.  One day, said Mahfud, Rafael came to the bank to open the treasure box. It was then that PPATK immediately blocked Rafael's deposit box.  "It was immediately blocked by PPATK. The legal basis has been sought. If it has been blocked, can this deposit box be dismantled by PPATK? There is no law yet, it can't be arbitrary," said Mahfud in a press conference at the Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) building, Jakarta, Saturday (11

KKB Asks Weapon Replacement As a Requirements for the release of the Susi Air pilot, Mahfud: Impossible, Cooking Barter with rebels by

KKB Asks Weapon Replacement As a Requirements for the release of the Susi Air pilot, Mahfud: Impossible, Cooking Barter with rebels by  KKB Asks Weapon Replacement As a Requirements for the release of the Susi Air pilot, Mahfud: Impossible, Cooking Barter with rebels by Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law, and Security (Coordinating Minister for Politics) Mahfud MD stated that the government would not obey the will of criminal groups Armed (KKB) who took the pilot of the Susi Air airline, Philips Mark Methrtens (37).  The KKB of the Egianus Kogoya leaders asked for money and weapons as a Philips release requirement.  "Oh it's impossible, cook barter weapons to (with) rebels?" Mahfud said after the "Cangkrukan Coordinating Minister for Political Office" in Surabaya, Tuesday (28/2/123), through the voice record received by Kompas .com on Wednesday. Mahfud added, the government and authorities were regulating tactics and strategies to be able to fre

Ucapan Luhut soal OTT Dibahas Jokowi, Mahfud: Seakan-akan Pemerintah Nggak Mau OTT

Ucapan Luhut soal OTT Dibahas Jokowi, Mahfud: Seakan-akan Pemerintah Nggak Mau OTT Mahfud MD Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Mahfud MD mengatakan, pernyataan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan soal operasi tangkap tangan (OTT) diperkirakan turut mempengaruhi turunnya indeks persepsi korupsi (IPK) di Indonesia. Menurut Mahfud, pernyataan itu dapat menimbulkan persepsi di benak publik bahwa pemerintah tidak mau melakukan OTT terhadap pelaku korupsi. "Memang tadi disampaikan di dalam rapat bahwa ini juga mempengaruhi turunnya indeks seakan-akan pemerintah itu enggak mau OTT, tetapi apakah itu betul apa tidak, itu nanti kita tunggu rapat berikutnya," kata Mahfud di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Senin (6/2/2023). Mahfud menuturkan, pada Senin siang ini Presiden Joko Widodo menggelar pertemuan intern bersama dirinya, Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabow, Jaksa Agung ST Burhanuddin, dan Ketua KPK

Mahfud Tepis Rizal Ramli soal Menghina Pendiri Negara: Dia yang Goblok!

Mahfud Tepis Rizal Ramli soal Menghina Pendiri Negara: Dia yang Goblok! Menko Polhukam Mahfud Md menjelaskan perdebatannya dengan mantan Menko Kemaritiman Rizal Ramli di media sosial yang menjadi sorotan. Sebabnya, Rizal Ramli menuding Mahfud menyebut orang yang masuk kekuasaan menjadi iblis. Mahfud awalnya menyebut sudah lama menjadi penggiat di media sosial. Bahkan ia menjalankan media sosial pribadi untuk berinteraksi. "Ketika Rizal bilang Mahfud Md itu intelektualnya merosot dan menjadi penjilat, itu kan nggak ada hubungannya dengan yang kita diskusikan. Saya bilang, kamu yang bodoh dan ngawur, kan gitu, kan setara itu," kata Mahfud di Kantor Kemenko Polhukam, Jakarta, Minggu (8/1/2023). Mahfud menyinggung tudingan Rizal yang menyebut dirinya sempat berkata seseorang yang masuk ke kekuasaan menjadi iblis. Menurut Mahfud, hal tersebut terkesan bodoh lantaran ia tak pernah mengatakan keterangan demikian. "Lalu dia bilang Mahfud Md, itu menghina pendiri nega