Investment Tips for Beginners Era of All Time Jika Anda hendak memilih If you want to choose an investment for the first time, one of the investment tips for beginners that is often recommended is to choose the most appropriate investment. You may be tempted by various types of success stories of those who earned hundreds of millions or thousands of dollars from their investments, but choosing the type of investment must be based on various considerations. Not everyone is suited to certain types of investment, so novice investors must be clever in choosing what is suitable for them. Tips for Choosing Investment Types for Beginners Top investor Warren Buffet has two principles for choosing the most appropriate type of investment: 1. do as much research as possible, and 2. Choose a type of investment that you understand well or is related to something you like. Don't use other people's success stories as the main benchmark; make sure you choose something that is right for you
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