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Showing posts with the label Wishful thinking

Between Hope and Wishful thinking

Between Hope and Wishful thinking By: Muqoffa Mahyuddin الرجاء ما قارنه عمل والا فهو امنية This hope must be accompanied by real charity, otherwise it is just wishful thinking.  --Sheikh Ibn Atha'illah, Al-Hikam Sheikh Abdullah Asy-Syarqawi explained that true hope (ar-raja') is hope that can motivate someone to struggle in work and do good deeds.  Usually people who hope for something will try to find it. On the other hand, people who are afraid of something will try to avoid it.  If hope in Allah is not accompanied by charity, even if the perpetrator is lazy about working, it will actually lead to immorality and sin. Therefore, the scholars say that such hopes are just wishful thinking, because hope must be accompanied by charity. That is not hope, but deception.  Rasulullah SAW said, a good person is one who humiliates himself and does charity for the period after his death. Meanwhile, a bad person is someone who follows their desires and hopes from Allah with fa