DO NOT WAIT LATER Some of us daydream by saying: I will be able to focus more on worship and be diligent in giving alms when I become established, aka I have abundant wealth. Whereas, the matter of being able to obey Allah, is completely unrelated to one's condition. It all depends on intention and sincerity. Poor or rich, everything has its own test chapter. The temptation for the poor is to be busy looking for money so that you don't know God. While the temptation is for those who already have money to be busy with their wealth so they forget about Allah. So delaying goodness because it is waiting for establishment, is a form of deception by the Devil and a form of self-laziness that should not be obeyed. Al Imam Sufyan ats-Tsaury Rahimahullah said: إذا هممت بصدقة أو ببر أو بعمل صالح، فعجل مضيه من ساعته، من قبل أن يحول بينك وبينه الشيطان. _"If you want to issue sadaqah, or do a good deed, or any good deed, then do it immediately, before satan blocks you
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