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Showing posts with the label MOST MERITABLE


THE MOST MERITABLE TYPE OF HUMAN BEINGS By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq Sayidina Abdullah bin Abbas, radhiyallahu'anhuma, once mentioned that there were four types of people who, according to him, were very instrumental in their lives and goodness, and it was very difficult for him to compete.  After mentioning the first, second and third types, he also said about the fourth: "As for this fourth type, it seems that only Allah Ta'ala can repay his kindness." People also pressed Ibn Abbas to reveal who this special type of human being was, they said, "Who is he?" He answered: God bless you زلها بي "That is, a person who is experiencing difficulties, then until the evening arrives when he is still confused about seeking help, he then thinks that I am the right person to help him.  He rushed to me, then he handed over the difficulty to me to deal with." Subhan Allah. Now try to compare with ourselves, what is this fourth type of human being like,