Easy way to prevent your Google account from being hacked Easy way to prevent your Google account from being hacked (Photo: Virgina Maulita Putri/detikINET) Jakarta - Google accounts are one of the most risky accounts because they store a lot of things about their users. Apart from that, because many smartphones also rely on various Google Family platforms, a Google account is also key. Therefore the security of your Google account is very important. Applications such as YouTube, Google Maps, Google Drive and several others can be compromised if someone's Google account is hacked by an irresponsible party. Users can be harmed if the user's Google account is hacked. Starting from the distribution of private things, location timelines, data stored in Google Drive to user search algorithms, it can be easily known if a Google account has been hacked. SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT Even though Google accounts can be hacked, Google provides several security features t
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