Grateful that there is still a chance to repent Photo Kurnia Meiga Don't just listen to the story on one side. Just like people who only hear from men and immediately believe it, but now there are expressions from the woman's side. Instead of looking for who is wrong and who is right, the rice has become porridge in the household, it is over, his past has also been redeemed through his illness all this time, hopefully it will be an expiation for his sins if the facts expressed by the woman are true. Everyone must have a past, whether they are former gamblers, former drunkards, former prostitutes, former thugs or former murderers, hopefully there will be a valuable feeling of regret after losing loved ones around them and most importantly, there will be a nasuhah repentance that runs in their hearts. We as humans can only pray for ourselves and others, we are only spectators of other people's lives, not perpetrators in it, so we have no right to rebuke
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