Istidraj Sign ( Tanda Istidraj ) By : Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq Among the signs that someone whose life seems fine and even looks happy, but is actually being plunged by Allah into destruction are: 1️⃣. Wallowing in immorality, but the body remains healthy and rarely gets sick. 2️⃣. Wherever he is, it is so easy to find reasons to commit sins. It was as if the opportunity to sin was wide open for him. 3️⃣. Abundant money, even though he is reluctant to worship. 4️⃣. Remain calm and not worry about the crimes he has committed. 5️⃣. The world's experts are so amazed and highly glorified, but on the contrary they look down on the ulama and righteous people. 6️⃣. Always ready to spend money if the matter is about fun and extravagance, but very stingy and calculating when it comes to helping other people's difficulties. 7️⃣. Increased pride and pride due to increased wealth, position and other worldly pleasures. In the hadith it is stated: God willing, God willing, God
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