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Vladimir Putin: Offer job vacancies become citizens foreigners who want fight for Russia

Vladimir Putin: Offer job vacancies become citizens foreigners who want fight for Russia Putin Offers Citizenship to Foreigners Who Want to Fight for Russia Vladimir Putin issues a decree accepting citizenship for foreigners who fought for Russia (Photo: Reuters) MOSCOW, - Vladimir Putin issued a decree accepting citizenship for foreigners willing to fight for Russia in Ukraine. Not only the person but his family will also receive Russian citizenship.  The regulations state that people who have signed contracts to be involved in special military operations in Ukraine can apply for Russian passports, including for spouses, children and parents.  The condition is that they must show documents stating that they have registered to fight for at least a year.  This rule appears to be aimed at foreign mercenaries already fighting in Ukraine as well as those who have military experience and are interested in obtaining Russian citizenship.  Those who qualify include those who

Is it despicable in your eyes for people who have sinned and then repented??

Is it despicable in your eyes for people who have sinned and then repented??  It's a loss for people who think they are better than others.  Isn't Allah the Most Forgiving of all sins???  Hasn't Allah forbade a person to despair of His mercy??  Hasn't Allah also promised to replace the good that is done for those who repent with millions of goodness???  Know my brother.. Allah is waiting for people who have been away from Him and returned to Him and at that time Allah SWT's joy is far more than the joy of a mother who loses her child and then is found again in His arms..  Even Allah SWT is in the hearts of servants who have been dirty and then washes them with the lake of repentance and their hearts are torn apart full of regret...  And at that time, Allah SWT will raise degrees with Him, even make His guardians..  Al Imam ibn Ato'illah Assakandari once said: اورثت لا انكسارا اعة اورثت ا استكبارا Not infrequently the disobedience that incised a sense

Requirements for repentance of people who deviate from Islamic teachings

Requirements for repentance of people who deviate from Islamic teachings ل الإمام ل. ل ل العلم انت له لة اب ا؟ Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (may Allah be pleased with him) was once asked about a person from among the ahlul ilmi who had a slip, in which case he had repented from it?  He replied, ل الله لك Allah will not accept his repentance until, – التوبة – الرجوع الته – ليعلمن ال الته وكيت – اب لى الله الى الته ا لك ل He showed his temper.  He has referred from his words.  He must announce that he has said such and such words.  Then, he (also) announced that he had repented to Allah from his words and had referred to him.  If it has been seen from this (person), when it is accepted.  Then he read the word of Allah ta'ala, لَّا الَّذِينَ ابُوا لَحُوا اُ "Except for those who have repented and made amends and explained." (Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 160) [Source: Dzail Thabaqaat al-Hanabilah, Ibn Rajab, Juz 1, p. 300]