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Showing posts with the label Google Search

Google Search for Password Replacement Alternatives

Google Search for Password Replacement Alternatives Google.  – Traditional passwords or passwords are believed to have many weaknesses. Starting from being easy to hack, guess, and steal. This leads to personal data breaches and identity theft.  Quoting the site The Verge, Friday, May 3 2024, more than four hundred million Google accounts already use passkeys, which marks a shift towards a world without passwords.  However, will a passwordless future really be a reality? Considering that the increasing number of online accounts that users have, managing strong and unique passwords for each account becomes increasingly difficult and time consuming.  That's why Google and other tech companies are looking for password alternatives. Passkeys, like the ones Google uses, are one promising solution.  The passkey uses asymmetric cryptography and is stored securely on the user's device, making it difficult to hack.  Fingerprints, facial recognition and iris scanning can be u

Google Search Results Getting Worse?

Google Search Results Getting Worse?  The experience of searching for information on Google is reportedly getting worse. This is according to research by German researchers, namely from Leipzig University, Bauhaus-University Weimar, and the  Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. They said that Google search results often display inaccurate and even misleading information.  The research was conducted by examining 7,392 product review questions on Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo over a year. The results show that low-quality content, especially for product searches, dominates search results.  SEO Spam Content Dominates Google Search This is caused by many websites creating fake or misleading reviews to increase their site's ranking in Google searches. These reviews are often written by people who have never used the product they are reviewing, and only rely on SEO techniques.  Google admits that this problem exists. The

Bertanyalah Kepada Mbah Google?, Google Search Pasti Bisa Menjawab?

Bertanyalah Kepada Mbah Google?, Google Search Pasti Bisa Menjawab? Mbah Google Mesin pencari yang “diklaim” tercanggih didunia saat ini paling sering dijuluki Netter / Netizen di Indonesia sebagai “Mbah Google”. Dapat dikatakan si Mbah itu sebagai orang tua yang bijak dan tahu banyak hal. Segala sesuatu yang Anda butuhkan, tidak perlu cara yang rumit dan waktu yang lama untuk menemukannya. Tinggal ‘ Tanya pada Mbah Google’! semua yang kita cari pasti kita dapatkan. Mau informasi apa aja ada, mau cara apa aja juga ada, mau cari uang bisa, mau cari apa lagi coba?Apa ya yang nggak ada di mesin pencari google? Iya, saya baru ingat, beberapa hal yang berbau esek-esek, konten dewasa, perjudian dan hal sejenis lainnya. Itu yang tidak dijumpai di mesin pencari google. Itulah gambaran yang dialami dan dirasakan oleh manusia era modern, era digital, era internet. Segala sesuatunya dapat dengan mudah ditemukan melalui penelusuran mesin pencari. Dampak Positif: Perkembangan teknologi digi