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Showing posts with the label Al Fatihah

Meaning of Ilaa Hadroti, Ilaa Arwahi, Ilaa Ruhi Differences in Use and Procedures for Sending Al Fatihah

Meaning of Ilaa Hadroti, Ilaa Arwahi, Ilaa Ruhi Differences in Use and Procedures for Sending Al Fatihah -- Meaning of Ilaa Hadroti, Ilaa Arwahi, Ilaa Ruhi Differences in Usage and Procedures for Sending Al Fatihah.  The three words, namely ilaa hadroti, ilaa arwahi and illa ruhi are vocabulary that we usually hear during tahlilan or the reading of yasin letters and prayers for people who have died.  Often on every recitation occasion, Yasinan is usually found reciting Al Fatihah for someone. The general term is sending Al Fatihah.  In sending Al Fatihah there are readings of Ilaa Hadroti, Ilaa Ruhi and Ilaa Arwahi, and What is the difference between these three readings?  The following is the explanation 1. Meaning of Ilaa Hadroti Ilaa hadroti is a term used to refer to someone who is considered high in rank before Allah Subhanahuwata'ala or someone he loves.  Its use is as a form of respect or glorification of the person mentioned, whose faith and knowledge are

Opening the event with Al Fatihah Bid'ah

Opening the event with Al Fatihah Bid'ah Afwan kiyai has permission to ask, is it true that reading al-Fatihah when opening an assembly or recital is bid'ah as has been going viral recently?  𝗝𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq Reading the Qur'an, including Surah Al Fatihah, is not an act of heresy in the view of most ulama, in fact it is seen as the main thing.  Some say the law is mustahab (likeable) while others think it is permissible. And there are some other scholars who state that it is not sunnah if the reading of the Qur'an is devoted to al-Fatihah only.  Let's look at the explanation of each opinion 1. 𝗦𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗵 Al Imam Shaykh Khatib al Baghdadi Rahimullah said: ‌وأستحب ‌أن ‌يقرأ ‌بعضهم ‌سورة ‌أو ‌آيات ‌من ‌القرآن ، قبل تد ريس الفقه أو بعده...كان أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا اجتمعوا تذاكروا العلم ، وقرءوا سورة "It is recommended for one of the participants to read a letter or several verses from the Koran before the fiqh l

Opening the Event with Al Fatihah Bid'ah

Opening the Event with Al Fatihah Bid'ah Afwan Kyai permission to ask, is it true that reciting al Fatihah when opening an assembly or recitation is a heresy as is currently going viral?  Answer: By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq Reading the Qur'an including surah al Fatihah is not an act of bid'ah in the view of the majority of scholars, in fact it is seen as the main matter.  Some say that the law is mustahab (preferred) while others argue that it is permissible. And there are some other scholars who state that it is not sunnah if the reading of the Qur'an is devoted to only Al Fatihah.  Let's look at the explanation of each opinion 1. Sunnah Al Imam Shaykh Khatib al Baghdadi Rahimahullah said: God bless you God bless you "It is recommended for one of the attendees to read a letter or several verses from the Koran before the fiqh lesson starts or after... In the past, when the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu'alaihi wassalam gathered to discuss re