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Showing posts with the label Abu Bakar Shidiq's

Abu Bakar Shidiq's Pearl of Advice

Abu Bakar Shidiq's Pearl of Advice _By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq_ ‌أيها ‌الناس ‌فإني ‌قد ‌وليت ‌عليكم ‌ولست ‌بخيركم فإن أحسنت فأعينوني وإن أسأت فقوموني "O people, I have been appointed as your leader even though I am not the best person among you. So if I do good, help me. But if I do bad things, make me straight.”[1] إن أقواكم عندي الضعيف حتى آخذ له بحقه، وإن أضعفكم عندي القوي حتى آخذ منه الحق .  "The strong person among you becomes weak before me so that I can take rights from him, and the weak person among you becomes strong before me so that I can fulfill his rights."[2] لا يدع قوم الجهاد في سبيل الله إلا ضربهم الله بالذل "There is not a people leave jihad in the way of Allah unless Allah will inflict humiliation on them."[3] God bless you “O Allah, show me the truth is true, and give me the ability to follow it. Show me what is wrong is wrong, and give me the ability to stay away from it.”[4] إذا فاتك خير فأدركه وإن أدركك فاسبقه "If you lo