Albert Einstein's Letter and the Prediction of the Collapse of Israel Photo: (AP Photo File) - The establishment of Israel on Palestinian land by David ben-Gurion in May 1948 caused strong reactions from many parties. One of them is by the world famous physicist Albert Einstein. One month before Israel was founded, on April 10 1948, Einstein was already critical of the establishment of the Jewish State. This attitude was expressed in a letter shown to Shepard Rifkin, Executive Director of American Friends of the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel. In the 50-word letter, Einstein said the establishment of Israel brought real disaster to Palestine. Regarding this, Einstein said there were two parties who had to be responsible. "When the real and final disaster befell us in Palestine, the first responsible for it would be England and the second responsible for it would be the terrorist organization built from our own ranks," said Einstein. On this basis, Einstein
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