8 Tips to Prevent Bad Breath when Fasting in Ramadan, Brushing Your Teeth Routinely You need to know that bad breath comes from bacteria that are classified as volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), such as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide. One of the bacterial production of these VSCs, known as bad breath bacteria, is Streptococcus salivarius. The growth of this bacteria is caused by various factors based on lifestyle, physical and mental health conditions, and the influence of hormones. Medically, there are 3 factors that cause bad breath: a. Local factors that influence dental and oral health. b. Systemic factors originating from disease and medications consumed. c. Psychogenic factors triggered by stress and other mental health disorders. Apart from bad breath, bad bacteria in the mouth will cause plaque, cavities and gum inflammation. You also have to regularly clean your teeth, for example by using dental floss. To prevent bad breath w
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