WHEN YOUR FAITH & TENDERNESS IS TESTED When Your Faith & Tenderness is Tested By : Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq page 20 page 20 page 20 page 20 page _"I have studied the science of aqidah for 20 years and taught people this science for 20 years too._ Facebook بًا مع صوت الرصاص والمدافع _Then when the call to jihad was given, I joined in, but when I heard a series of gunshots and the boom of bombs, my guts immediately sank and I was the first to retreat._ message في عضدي كل ما أؤمن به وربيّت عليه الناس من عقيده وثبات لله _I am also very sad, how could I, who was known as a great scholar, but instead run away from the battlefield?_ _It's like everything I have taught humans from the science of belief and steadfastness in the path of Allah has disappeared. Allah's blessings لله ما فعلت _Until finally I performed a long night prayer and I asked Allah to give me strength and I asked for His forgiveness for what I had done because I ran awa
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