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How to find out your fate, whether you live rich or poor based on your age?

How to find out your fate, whether you live rich or poor based on your age?  At that age, a person's fate will be determined whether they are rich or poor, said Mbah Moen  At that age, a person's fate will be determined whether they are rich or poor, said Mbah Moen  - At this age, a person will determine his future fate, whether he will be rich or poor according to Mbah Moen.  It is at this age that a person's future fate in life is determined, whether they are rich or poor, Mbah Moen shares the following formula.  At a certain age, according to Mbah Moen, a person's life will be determined whether they are rich or poor. He explained that a person's fate, whether they will live in wealth or poverty, will be reflected at a certain stage of their life.  In Mbah Moen's view, humans do not have complete control over the course of life, including in terms of wealth or poverty.  If a person has not achieved the fortune that makes him rich at this time, Mbah Mo


* BASED SPEAKING WITH SCIENC E* Said Asy Sheikh Ibn 'Utsaimin rahimahullah: • - الإنسان لا ل لا لا له علم، لا ل لا لمجرد الظن لا لمجرد الوهم التخييل، ا الأمور الخطيرة لا ا لَكَ لم؛ لهذا ال الله ل الإسراء: "{وَلَا ا لَيْسَ لَكَ لْمٌ}" لا تتبعه، ‏• - { السَّمْعَ الْبَصَرَ الْفُؤَادَ لُّ لَٰئِكَ انَ لًا}"، ل لبك الذي ل الظن الاعتقاد.  A person should not utter an utterance except on the basis of knowledge, and it is not enough for him to say the utterance only with suspicion or feeling or shadow.  Especially in dangerous matters unless you have knowledge, That is why Allah Azza wa Jalla says in Surah Al Isra ': *_"And do not behave towards those who do not have knowledge"_* That is, do not accompany it with words, *_"Because the whole hearing, sight, and heart will be held accountable"_* Then you will be asked about your hearing, your sight and your heart, which is the place of suspicion and belief.  *Tafsir Surah An Nur (83)