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10 Poorest Countries in the World 2024 According to IMF Data

10 Poorest Countries in the World 2024 According to IMF Data illustration of GDP, one that determines the country's economic condition. Photo: Getty Images/Khanchit Khirisutchalual List of 10 Poorest Countries in the World 1. South Sudan (492.72 US dollars)  2. Burundi (936.42 US dollars)  3. Central African Republic (1,140.00 US dollars)  4. Congo (1,570.00 US dollars)  5. Mozambique (1,650.00 US dollars)  6. Malawi (1,710.00 US dollars)  7. Nigeria (1,730.00 US dollars)  8. Chad (1,860.00 US dollars)  9. Liberia (1,880 US dollars)  10. Madagascar (1,990 US dollars) -  The poorest countries in the world have the lowest Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is the main measure of economic activity in a country, which can increase or decrease.  Quoted from a book entitled Macroeconomic Theory Introduction from Sadono Sukirno, GDP is the value of goods and services produced with original production factors from a country. Including from other countries in the country.  The mov