KARAMAH AL FARUQ (2) : GHAIB VOICE _By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq_ Amirul mukminin Umar bin Khattab radhiyallahu'anhu once sent a unit of troops to open an area in Iraq under the command of his war general named Sariyah bin Zunaim. And there the Muslims received heavy resistance and pressure from the enemy until they were pressed. In Medina it was Friday, Sayidina Umar climbed onto the pulpit to deliver his sermon. But strangely, in the middle of the sermon, Umar uttered words that had nothing to do with the material of the sermon he was delivering. While screaming he said: يا سارية بن زنيم، الجبل الجبل "O Sariyah bin Zunaim, mountains, mountains!" Sayidina Umar mentioned or called out the name Sariyah, even though at that time the general was in Iraq, thousands of kilometers apart from the city of Medina. Instantly the companions and congregation of the mosque were astonished by what the emirul mukminin had done. After Friday prayers, someone asked Sayidina Umar
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