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4 Signs that Fortune is Not Blessing

4 Signs that Fortune is Not Blessing Illustrations. (Photo: "The bad (haram sustenance) is not the same as the good (halal sustenance) even though the abundance of the bad attracts your heart, so fear Allah, O people of understanding, so that you may gain good luck." (QS Al Maidah: 100)  – Every Muslim certainly wants blessed sustenance. However, many people still doubt whether the good fortune they receive is a blessing or not.  In fact, there are quite a lot of indications that can show whether our fortune is a blessing or not. Here are some signs when sustenance is not a blessing: 1. Only Useful for the Worldly Fortune that is not blessed can be seen from how it is used. If the fortune is only used to add furniture to the house, add to your collection of clothes, shoes, cars, or eat at a fancy restaurant, but it is very difficult to spend it to give alms, give waqf, or simply please your parents, then the fortune is not a blessing.  Blessing

Why Does Istighfar Often Bring Lots of Fortune?

Why Does Istighfar Often Bring Lots of Fortune?  Istighfar is prescribed for three times  -- In a hadith, Rasulullah SAW gave a message about the benefits of making istighfar. Narrated from Ibn Abbas RA, the Prophet SAW said: ( مَنْ لَزِمَ الِاسْتِغْفَارَ جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لَهُ مِنْ كُلِّ ضِيقٍ مَخْرَجًا ، وَمِنْ كُلِّ هَمٍّ فَرَجًا ، وَرَزَقَهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا (1518) (1/248) طبراني في "المعجم الأوسط" (6/240)، والبيهقي في "السنن الكبرى" (3/351) ، وغيرهم .  "Anyone who needs forgiveness (needs to make istighfar), Allah SWT will surely provide a way out for him for all difficulties, relief for all worries, and provide His sustenance from unexpected places." (HR. Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah, Ahmad in Al Musnad, At Thabrani in Al Mu'jam Al Awsath, Al Baihaqi in As Sunan Al Kubro, and others) In "Awn Al Ma'bud: Syarh Sunan Abi Daud", it is stated that a person needs to ask Allah SWT for forgiveness when he commits a sinful act, a disaster st

These are 7 things that hinder the arrival of good fortune, number 3 is often done

These are 7 things that hinder the arrival of good fortune, number 3 is often done Money in suitcase. (illustration) – Sustenance has been regulated by Allah, so there is no sustenance to be taken or exchanged by other people. This is because Allah has determined the level of sustenance for each person, even when humans are still in the womb.  The Prophet said, “Then an angel was sent to her (the fetus). The angel breathed his soul into him and was ordered to write four sentences (provisions that Allah had set for him), namely: (1) sustenance, (2) death, (3) good deeds and (4) (whether he will be among) those who wretched (go to hell) or happy people (go to hell). heaven)." (HR Muslim no. 6893).  Illustration of money Photo : vstory This issue is our effort to obtain this sustenance in a way that is in accordance with the regulations of Islamic law. This shows that the Islamic religion does not teach Muslims to be silent and not work because everything has been destined by

5 Habits That Make Your Fortune Suck

5 Habits That Make Your Fortune Suck 5 Habits That Make Your Fortune Suck, Even Though You're Diligent in Giving Alms, Sometimes You're Not Realizing You're Doing It: Avoid It!   - In the teachings of Islam, Muslims who diligently give alms will be provided with sustenance by Allah SWT.  However, you need to remember, apart from alms, prayer is also an important point so that someone is given abundant sustenance.  Not a few people feel that they are diligent in giving alms and praying, but their sustenance is still scarce.  Apparently this is triggered by habits that actually make it difficult to get rich and make it difficult to get rich.  Sometimes you don't even realize that you are carrying out habits that make your fortune drag.  Here are 5 daily habits that make your sustenance difficult, even though you are diligent in giving alms, you sometimes don't realize you're doing it: avoid it!  1. Hobby of showing off The first habit that makes one