Understanding the Dhikr of the Breath of Hu Allah and Lailahailallah, what is the purpose, complete with how to do it
Understanding the Dhikr of the Breath of Hu Allah and Lailahailallah, what is the purpose, complete with how to do it ---Understanding of the remembrance of the breath of Hu Allah and Lailahailallah, what is the purpose, complete with how to do it. Have you ever heard the term dhikr breath? Here's the explanation. Breath dhikr is a form of dhikr that is done by exhaling deeply while saying certain dhikr sentences. Dhikr breath helps overcome stress and brings inner calm. Breath remembrance is a method to be able to recite remembrance of Allah without stopping. The goal is to be able to carry out the commands of Allah and the Messenger better. Example: The dhikr "La ilaha illallah" can be said while exhaling. Or say the phrase Hu Allah... Dhikr Breath La ilaha illallah Dhikr breathing by saying la ilaha ilallah is one of the inner efforts to achieve peace of mind and safety in life in this world and the hereafter. How to? How to recite the breath of Lailahaillallah