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Showing posts with the label tips

Tips from Prophet Muhammad SAW if part of the body hurts

Tips from Prophet Muhammad SAW if part of the body hurts Prophet Muhammad (illustration) -- The Prophet Muhammad SAW showed how to heal a painful part of the body suffered by a Muslim. This method is stated in several hadith histories from Uthman bin Abi Al 'Ash Al Tsaqofi.  This guidance not only shows the Prophet SAW's concern for the health of his people, but also teaches the importance of connecting healing efforts with prayer and trust in Allah SWT. This healing method taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW emphasizes that healing is not only through medical efforts, but also with a spiritual approach.  The prayer that is read contains a request for protection from Allah from all the evil that is felt, showing how important faith and prayer are in the healing process.  In the book Al Jami' Al Shagir, there is a history of hadith narrated by As Suyuthi. Here's the hadith: - ضَع يمينَكَ عَلى المَكانِ الَّذي تُشتَكي فامسَحْ بِها سبعَ مرَّاتٍ وقُل أعوذُ بعزَّةِ

Tips for being safe and surviving Google Adsense from being banned

Tips for being safe and surviving Google Adsense from being banned Google Adsense This post just reminds you that it will be useless to register for Google AdSense if you fall into the categories that I will mention below. There are several categories where applicants or prospective publishers will be rejected outright, even after being approved they will be banned.  Category Under Unexpected Circumstances Categories where it is known that Google AdSense will not be accepted but are still trying and trying.  1. Blog Under Development.  Blogs that are still under development means they are not yet mature, including in terms of posts, visitors, SEO, etc. Don't register yet, don't ever intend to just try it out.  2. Content Language.  The content language in question is the language used when creating articles. Articles in Indonesian are not highly respected, even though they have good visitors, they will still be rejected. Unless the blog has 30K visitors per month. B

8 Tips to Prevent Bad Breath when Fasting in Ramadan, Brushing Your Teeth Routinely

8 Tips to Prevent Bad Breath when Fasting in Ramadan, Brushing Your Teeth Routinely You need to know that bad breath comes from bacteria that are classified as volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), such as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide.  One of the bacterial production of these VSCs, known as bad breath bacteria, is Streptococcus salivarius.  The growth of this bacteria is caused by various factors based on lifestyle, physical and mental health conditions, and the influence of hormones.  Medically, there are 3 factors that cause bad breath: a. Local factors that influence dental and oral health.  b. Systemic factors originating from disease and medications consumed.  c. Psychogenic factors triggered by stress and other mental health disorders.  Apart from bad breath, bad bacteria in the mouth will cause plaque, cavities and gum inflammation.  You also have to regularly clean your teeth, for example by using dental floss.  To prevent bad breath w

There are many cases of data leaks, here are tips for protecting your personal data

There are many cases of data leaks, here are tips for protecting your personal data Solving the BRI Life data leak problem has wisdom or lessons that we can learn.  Safer Internet Day 2024 occurs amidst data concerns, especially regarding the restricted access imposed on various popular applications which causes users to download replacements. In an era where vast amounts of data are constantly being collected and analyzed, the risks of data breaches, identity theft and privacy violations are greater than ever. So, on February 6 – a day observed every year as an important reminder of the importance of safeguarding personal information in the digital world – Kaspersky experts emphasized the importance of the need to be proactive regarding the security of user data.  In 2023, debate emerged in several countries regarding restrictions on certain popular apps in Brazil, Ireland and Japan. In the United States, consideration of limiting access to TikTok resulted in restr

Investment Tips for Beginners Era of All Time

Investment Tips for Beginners Era of All Time Jika Anda hendak memilih If you want to choose an investment for the first time, one of the investment tips for beginners that is often recommended is to choose the most appropriate investment.  You may be tempted by various types of success stories of those who earned hundreds of millions or thousands of dollars from their investments, but choosing the type of investment must be based on various considerations.  Not everyone is suited to certain types of investment, so novice investors must be clever in choosing what is suitable for them.  Tips for Choosing Investment Types for Beginners Top investor Warren Buffet has two principles for choosing the most appropriate type of investment: 1. do as much research as possible, and 2. Choose a type of investment that you understand well or is related to something you like.  Don't use other people's success stories as the main benchmark; make sure you choose something that is right for you