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KENANGA OF PADJAJAR (Means of Fortune)

KENANGA OF PADJAJAR  (Means of Fortune) Bismillahorrohmanirrohiim In the world of Geomology, ylang ylang is called a type of Rafflesia. In the view of spiritual experts, this type has (two) names and they call it Kenanga or Cempaka. It's just that the two have different colors: - Ylang ylang, yellowish (female) - Cempaka, reddish yellow (male) MEMORIES OF PADJAJAR Why is this device called "Kenanga Padjajar?". In the past, when I was practicing Ngarahyana penance (detaching from worldly nature) I often met the Queen Mother and Prabu Siliwangi, in the place of the Adlun (ngahyang) people, our spirits were often carried there.  Among the many mustika, the Queen Mother, has various types of Kenanga mustika, as a means of power, facilitating fortune and position. Then at that time I asked about the processing, he answered; "Tarkunnafsi wal muroje'ul asma' samawiyyah ya Hayyu ya Qoyyum". When interpreted broadly: "Penance by fasting freely us