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IF YOU ARE DIFFICULT YOU WILL SUCCEED and IF YOU ARE LAZY YOU WILL FAIL إن : حرف الشرط مبني على السكون لا محل لها من الإعراب IN : the letter mabni requirements above the vowel breadfruit does not have a position in the word job description..  تجتهد : فعل مضارع وهو فعل الشرط مجزوم وعلامة جزمه السكون الظاهرة على آخره وفاعله ضمير مستتر تقديره أنت MUJTAHID: Fiil mudhori and as a conditional fi'il, majzum and the sign of Jazm is breadfruit that appears at the end and the pronoun that is hidden is your destiny..  تنجح : فعل مضارع وهو جواب الشرط مجزوم وعلامة جزمه السكون الظاهرة على آخره وفاعله ضمير مستتر تقديره أنت TANJAH : fiil mudhorih and in response to the condition of majzumun and the sign of Jazm of breadfruit that appears at the end and the default pronoun that is hidden is your destiny...  If you work hard, you will succeed, and if you are lazy, you will lose.  IF YOU ARE DIFFICULT YOU WILL SUCCEED...and IF YOU ARE LAZY YOU WILL FAIL...  N: Letter condition based on si


SAY GOOD or SILENT..!!   [ the choice is only 2 brothers and sisters ] عن أبي هُريرةَ رَضِي اللهُ عَنْهُ، أنَّ رسولَ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قالَ: {مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ فَلْيَقُلْ خَيْرًا أَوْ لِيَصْمُتْ، ...  رواه البخاريُّ ومسلمٌ.  NAHWU'S RULE "I'RAB" (describe word position) إعراب الحديث: {من}: اسم شرط جازم مبني على السكون في محل رفع مبتدأ ..  MAN: Isim condition, tool jaazm mabni above the vowel breadfruit occupies the place of rofa as mubtada {كان}: فعل ماضٍ ناقص مبني على الفتح في محل جزم فعل الشرط ، واسمها ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره هو.  KAANA : Fiil madhi naaqis / less (requires isim and khobarnya) occupies the place of jazm as a conditional fiil.. and isim كان hidden pronoun destiny هو {يؤمن}: فعل مضارع مرفوع وعلامة رفعه الضمة والفاعل ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره هو.  YU'MINU ; The fiil mudhori marfu'un and the rofa' sign are dhommah and the fail is the hidden pronoun جوازا (can be replaced with isim

Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1444 H

Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1444 H تقبل الله منا ومنكم..  MAY ALLAH ACCEPT OUR CHARACTERISTICS AND YOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF WORSHIP..  إعراب: تقبل: فعل ماض مبني على الفتح TAQABBALA : permanent madhi fiil above the vowel fathah...  O Allah: لفظ الجلالة فاعل مرفوع وعلامة رفعه الضمة الضاهرة على آخره..  ALLAHU: lafazd jalalah.. fail the perpetrator of marfuu'un and the rafa sign of dhommah that appears at the end..  منا : من + نا MINNAA : min + naa من حرف جر مبني على السكون نا : ضمير متصل مبني على السكون في محل جر إسم مجرور NAA : the pronoun that continues mabni above the vowel breadfruit occupies the place jer as isim majruurin..  وثبه الجملة جر ومجرر متعلق بفعل تقبل Wa SYIBHUL the number (which resembles a sentence) ..muta'alliq (related) to fi'il تقبل..  ومنكم : اعراب ما قبله SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI 1444 H  تقبل الله منا ومنكم.. SEMOGA ALLAH MENERIMA AMAL IBADAH KAMI DAN AMAL IBADAH KALIAN.. إعراب:  تقبل: فعل ماض مبني على الفتح TAQABBALA : fiil madhi permanen di atas h


SHOW ′′ HAPPINESS ′′ ON HOLY DAY..!!!!  Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani Rahimahullah said: إِظْهَار السُّرُورِ فِي الْأَعْيَادِ مِنْ شعائر الدِّينِ "Showing joy on Eid day is part of religious symbols" (Fathul Bari, 2/443).  اظهار : مبتدأ مرفوع وعلامة رفعه الضمة الضاهرة على آخره وهو مضاف IDZHAARU: mubtada marfuu'un and the rafanya dhommah sign that appears at the end and the mudhof form الشرور : مضاف إليه مجرور وعلامة جره الكسرة الظاهرة على آخره AS SHURUURI: mudhof ilaihi majruurun and the sign of kasroh that appears at the end في الاعياد : شبه الجملة جر ومجرر متعلقان بفعل اظهار Syibhul sum (which resembles a sentence) jar and majrur related to fiil اظهار من : حرف جر مبني على السكون MIN : the letter jer (its function is to make the ism after it have the vowel kasroh) The letter من di does not mean from , but means "part/amongst", the characteristic is after the plural noun..  شعائر : إسم مجرور وعلامة جره الكسرة الظاهرة على آخره وهو مضاف SA'AA'IRI : isi

King Charles: Prince Harry Constantly Asks for Money, Kneel Capital Marriage?

King Charles: Prince Harry Constantly Asks for Money, Kneel Capital Marriage?  Prince Harry Constantly Asks for Money, King Charles: I'm Not a Bank - King Charles III cut off communication with Prince Harry after allegedly continuing to ask his father for money. The claim was made by a royal writer.  "Charles stopped taking calls after his son repeatedly asked for money during their tense phone conversation," writes Robert Jobson in the book Our King: Charles III: The Man and the Monarch Revealed.  "When the Queen asked why (Charles did not respond to Harry's request), Charles told her he was not a bank," said Jobson again.  Despite the falling out with his father, Jobson claims Harry tried to keep in touch with Queen Elizabeth II regularly while moving to California, United States.  "The Queen hoped that her grandson, having decided to live in Canada and then California, would find peace and happiness living the life


CAN OR NOT PRAY WITH VIEWING MUSHAF (ANDROID HP)?  Afwan kiyai can the imam pray reading from the mushaf when reading the surah? Thanks for the answer.  Answer By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq Scholars have different opinions regarding the law of praying while reading the Mushaf, some say that it invalidates prayer, while some think it is makruh, while others allow it. Here are the details: A. Canceling the prayer Scholars from the Hanafiyah school of thought are of the opinion that praying by reading from the Mushaf is one of the things that can invalidate prayer. Al Imam Al Kasani Rahimahullah said: ولو قرأ المصلي من المصحف فصلاته فاسدة عند أبي حنيفة.  "If someone prays while reading the Mushaf, then his prayer is invalidated according to Imam Abu Hanifah."[1] This is because it is considered that praying by reading from the Mushaf will keep a person busy by doing many movements that have nothing to do with the prayer. And it is also considered that someone has done a r


REMINDER FOR ID PRAYER COMMITTEE By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq Prayers for the holidays must be truly guarded and their implementation paid attention to, so that this great worship can be attended by all congregations with a feeling of humility and reverence.  So the committee as the organizer, must try to minimize everything that could potentially disrupt or disturb the course of the worship.  And what often goes unnoticed is the holding of the Eid prayer which is too long.  If the prayer is held in the mosque, you are still quite lucky because the heat is slightly relieved by the presence of a fan. Those who are full of suffering are when they are in the field, or those who participate in prayers at the mosque but get it in the yard.  It's true that the Prophet ﷺ used to pray his Eid prayers in the field, but the implementation was very simple, there weren't many events. Unlike us today, people are full of various agendas.  The sun was already quite high, but the imple