Mahfud Explains Chronology of the Discovery of Rafael Alun's "Deposit Box" Containing IDR 37 Billion

Mahfud Explains Chronology of the Discovery of Rafael Alun's "Deposit Box" Containing IDR 37 Billion

The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD explained the chronology of the discovery of money allegedly the result of a bribe of Rp. 37 billion belonging to Rafael Alun Trisambodo. 

As is known, the money was kept by Rafael in a safe deposit box or safe deposit box in his possessions. 

Mahfud revealed that previously Rafael had gone back and forth to various deposit boxes. 

One day, said Mahfud, Rafael came to the bank to open the treasure box. It was then that PPATK immediately blocked Rafael's deposit box. 

"It was immediately blocked by PPATK. The legal basis has been sought. If it has been blocked, can this deposit box be dismantled by PPATK? There is no law yet, it can't be arbitrary," said Mahfud in a press conference at the Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) building, Jakarta, Saturday (11/3/2023). 

"In such circumstances, the other possibilities have not been blocked, this was blocked, then coordinated, the legal basis was sought, asked the KPK, can this be dismantled? Disassemble it. The contents found were one safe deposit box worth IDR 37 billion in USD, "he explained. 

Mahfud also revealed that the money allegedly received from bribes in Rafael's deposit box was not known to Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati. 

According to Mahfud, the findings are evidence of money laundering in the Rafael case. 

"That's evidence of money laundering. It's like that. The minister may not know that there is money like that and it's beyond the minister's control. People have deposited hundreds (billions) in safe deposit boxes, the minister also doesn't know," said Mahfud. 

He continued, the one who can know for sure the details of the deposit box is the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK). 

In the case of Rafael Alun, the money that was just found in the deposit box amounted to IDR 37 billion. 

"Oh, it has such a deposit box. Even that, which was only partially found, was Rp. 37 billion," he explained. 

Previously, PPATK found IDR 37 billion belonging to Rafael Alun Trisambodo which was stored in a safe deposit box or treasure storage box. 

The money allegedly came from bribes received by the former official of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance. 

The finding of Rp. 37 billion in foreign currency denominations has now been blocked by PPATK. 

“(The money) is foreign currency. You suspect (from a bribe)," said PPATK Head Ivan Yustiavandana when contacted by, Friday (10/3/2023). 

The PPATK found a safe deposit box belonging to Rafael which was kept in a state-owned enterprise (BUMN) bank. 

Ivan revealed that the money was beyond the value of Rp. 500 billion related to the transfer of 40 accounts that had been blocked by PPATK. 

"No (including IDR 500 billion). Separated,” said Ivan. 

However, Ivan was reluctant to answer when asked about the basis for the alleged bribery. 

Ivan also did not answer clearly when asked if Rafael had tried to withdraw large amounts of cash after being in the public eye. 

Ivan only emphasized that it was suspected that Rafael was trying to hide his assets. 

"We suspect that there was an attempt to hide assets," said Ivan. 

Mahfud Jelaskan Kronologi Ditemukannya "Deposit Box" Rafael Alun Berisi Rp 37 Miliar

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD menjelaskan kronologi ditemukannya uang diduga hasil suap sebesar Rp 37 miliar milik Rafael Alun Trisambodo.

Sebagaimana diketahui, uang tersebut disimpan Rafael di safe deposit box atau kotak penyimpanan harta miliknya.

Mahfud mengungkapkan, sebelumnya Rafael sudah bolak-balik ke berbagai deposit box.

Pada suatu hari, kata Mahfud, Rafael datang ke bank untuk membuka kotak penyimpanan harta tersebut. Saat itulah PPATK langsung memblokir deposit box milik Rafael.

"Langsung diblokir oleh PPATK. Sudah itu dicari dasar hukumnya. Kalau sudah diblokir, deposit box ini boleh enggak dibongkar oleh PPATK? Kan belum ada UU-nya, tidak boleh sembarangan," ujar Mahfud dalam konferensi pers di Gedung Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu), Jakarta, Sabtu (11/3/2023).

"Dalam keadaan begitu, kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang lain belum diblokir, ini diblokir, lalu dikoordinasikan, dicari dasar hukumnya, tanya ke KPK, bisa tidak ini dibongkar? Bongkar. Isinya ketemu itu satu safe deposit box itu sebesar Rp 37 miliar dalam bentuk USD," papar dia.

Mahfud pun mengungkapkan, uang diduga hasil suap di deposit box Rafael tak diketahui Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

Menurut Mahfud, temuan itu merupakan bukti adanya tindakan pencucian uang dalam kasus Rafael.

"Itu bukti pencucian uang. Seperti itu. Menteri bisa tidak tahu bahwa ada uang seperti itu dan memang di luar kuasa menteri. Kan orang menyimpang ratusan (miliar) di safe deposit box, itu kan menteri juga tidak tahu," tutur Mahfud.

Dia melanjutkan, yang bisa mengetahui secara pasti detail dari deposit box adalah Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK).

Dalam kasus Rafael Alun, uang yang baru ditemukan di deposit box sebesar Rp 37 miliar.

"Oh itu punya deposit box sekian. Itu pun yang baru ditemukan baru sebagian, Rp 37 miliar itu," jelas dia.

Sebelumnya, PPATK menemukan uang Rp 37 miliar milik Rafael Alun Trisambodo yang disimpan di safe deposit box atau kotak penyimpanan harta.

Uang tersebut diduga bersumber dari hasil suap yang diterima oleh mantan pejabat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) Kemenkeu tersebut.

Temuan uang Rp 37 miliar dalam bentuk pecahan mata uang asing itu kini sudah diblokir PPATK.

“(Uang itu) valuta asing. Kan menduga (dari suap),” kata Kepala PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana saat dihubungi Kompas .com, Jumat (10/3/2023).

Adapun PPATK menemukan safe deposit box milik Rafael yang disimpan di salah satu bank badan usaha milik negara (BUMN).

Ivan mengungkapkan, uang tersebut di luar nilai Rp 500 miliar terkait mutasi 40 rekening yang sudah diblokir PPATK.

“Enggak (termasuk Rp 500 miliar). Terpisah,” ujar Ivan.

Meski demikian, Ivan enggan menjawab ketika ditanya mengenai dasar dugaan suap tersebut.

Ivan juga tak menjawab gamblang saat ditanya apakah Rafael mencoba menarik uang tunai dalam jumlah besar setelah menjadi sorotan publik.

Ivan hanya menegaskan bahwa Rafael diduga berupaya menyembunyikan harta kekayaannya.

“Kami duga ada upaya menyembunyikan harta kekayaan,” ujar Ivan.

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