Is it despicable in your eyes for people who have sinned and then repented??

Is it despicable in your eyes for people who have sinned and then repented?? 

It's a loss for people who think they are better than others. 
Isn't Allah the Most Forgiving of all sins??? 
Hasn't Allah forbade a person to despair of His mercy?? 
Hasn't Allah also promised to replace the good that is done for those who repent with millions of goodness??? 
Know my brother.. Allah is waiting for people who have been away from Him and returned to Him and at that time Allah SWT's joy is far more than the joy of a mother who loses her child and then is found again in His arms.. 
Even Allah SWT is in the hearts of servants who have been dirty and then washes them with the lake of repentance and their hearts are torn apart full of regret... 
And at that time, Allah SWT will raise degrees with Him, even make His guardians.. 
Al Imam ibn Ato'illah Assakandari once said:

اورثت لا انكسارا اعة اورثت ا استكبارا

Not infrequently the disobedience that incised a sense of humiliation and a broken heart is much better than the disobedience that sparks a sense of honor and pride.. 

From this we can conclude that sometimes Allah chooses someone who will be elevated by being given a disobedience and then given guidance with feelings of humiliation and regret that breaks the heart so that he always cries because he is afraid of Him with whom the servant isbecome very close to God. 
But what is even better than that is when someone is given taufik to always be obedient, then Allah SWT gives guidance to always continue to feel that he is not good, to feel humiliated so that his heart is split which will be sent to always remember and be close to his Lord. .. 

Hopefully we are all among the people who are glorified by Him with the most beautiful gift. 

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