Tips for being safe and surviving Google Adsense from being banned

Tips for being safe and surviving Google Adsense from being banned
Google Adsense

This post just reminds you that it will be useless to register for Google AdSense if you fall into the categories that I will mention below. There are several categories where applicants or prospective publishers will be rejected outright, even after being approved they will be banned. 

Category Under Unexpected Circumstances
Categories where it is known that Google AdSense will not be accepted but are still trying and trying. 

1. Blog Under Development. 
Blogs that are still under development means they are not yet mature, including in terms of posts, visitors, SEO, etc. Don't register yet, don't ever intend to just try it out. 

2. Content Language. 
The content language in question is the language used when creating articles. Articles in Indonesian are not highly respected, even though they have good visitors, they will still be rejected. Unless the blog has 30K visitors per month. But, if you use English, it looks like 10K visitors is very good. 

3. Blog Reputation. 
Blog reputation reflects how great the blog is, how famous the blog is. Reputation also includes how many articles are on the first page of searches. A blog's reputation can be destroyed because the blog template HTML is messed up, the blog has used other advertisements and left a bad impression because the previous advertisement contained a virus. 

4. Prohibited Content. 
For prohibited content, it is clear what types are prohibited. Even if you only use 1 word. Even if it is accepted, if the system checks, AdSense will give Site Violation to the account. 

5. Copas article. 
A full copypaste article is the worst thing for a blogger and is not even worthy of being called a blogger. It has been proven that applicants will not be approved. 

6. Site Banned. 
First check whether the site you want to register is not banned by Google AdSense or not. If not, it means there is still a chance to be accepted and pay attention to the other points above. 

Unforeseen Circumstances Category

1. Verification Number. 
When registering for AdSense, especially if you already have an AdSense account but want to open a new account, you need to pay attention when creating Gmail and registering for AdSense, you must verify your telephone number. Don't use the same number as before, the consequences will be fatal for both accounts, including the old and newly registered accounts. 

2. Registered Sites. 
When registering, do not use the website, channel, blog that has been registered next. Just like using the verification number multiple times for new accounts, websites also cannot be used to register for AdSense. The consequences are also very fatal, accounts that have previously used the website to register will be banned and new accounts will not be accepted. Usually, Google will set aside 1 account. 

3. Gmail and Google+. 
This unexpected thing happened to Gmail and Google Plus accounts. Because, when creating Gmail via cellphone, there is no birth date setting while the AdSense requirements must be 18+. If it is not set in Gmail, this will cause problems with your AdSense account, especially if you register for AdSense, it will be in vain. To set it up, create a Google Plus account and go to Gmail Account Settings. 

Scattered Hoaxes

1. Name and Address. 
Using the same name and address as the previous account will indeed cause problems with your AdSense account both when registering and once it is active, it could be deactivated, especially if you use account data that has previously been banned. It doesn't matter if it's just the same name, then the address must be slightly different, you can add RT/RW, sub-district and house number. For the name, so that later the PIN can be easily accessed, you can use the title, sir, sir, etc. This cannot be used as a reference for not being accepted when registering for AdSense. 
2 Accounts 1 Device. 

2. Creating 2 AdSense accounts on
1 device will result in the AdSense account being approved when registering, which is still a hoax. Many people have proven that they can create multiple accounts from 1 device and still be safe. Maybe because there are special tricks including using a VPN, different browsers, etc. 

3. Gmail Similar
Similar Gmail data, similar Gmail addresses cannot be accepted by AdSense. However, based on personal experience, it is not that problematic because I myself was approved. 

4. Cache and Cookies
Before registering for AdSense, deleting cache and cookies is not mandatory, although there are some reports that you must delete them first before registering for a new AdSense. 

S.C. Sukirman Fajar M

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