Places to Study Laduni Science in Indonesia

Belajar Ilmu Laduni.

Places to Study Laduni Science in Indonesia

Laduni Science, also known as Ilmu Laduni in Indonesian, is a field of knowledge that focuses on spiritual and mystical aspects of Islam. It involves deep understanding and insight into the unseen realm and the inner dimensions of reality.

There are several places in Indonesia where you can study Laduni Science. Some of them are:

  1. Pondok Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) Sidogiri in Pasuruan, East Java. This school is known for its Laduni Science curriculum and has produced many scholars in this field.

  2. Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda in Bantul, Yogyakarta. This school has a strong focus on Laduni Science and offers courses and programs in this field.

  3. Majelis Ta'lim Darul Falah in Jakarta. This institution offers courses in various aspects of Islamic knowledge, including Laduni Science.

  4. Pesantren Al-Furqon in Surabaya, East Java. This school offers a comprehensive curriculum in Islamic knowledge, including Laduni Science.

  5. Pesantren Lirboyo in Kediri, East Java. This school is known for its emphasis on Islamic spirituality and offers courses in Laduni Science.

It's important to note that Laduni Science is a complex and deep field of knowledge, and it requires a strong foundation in Islamic studies and spirituality. Therefore, it's recommended to choose a reputable institution and to consult with experienced scholars before embarking on this path of study.

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