The Suicide Forest of Japan and its shocking truth!
These are the warning words you’ll get to read outside the entrance of the Aokigahara Forest in Japan, also known as the Suicide Forest globally. So, ever heard of Aokigahara Forest of Japan? If not, then let me tell you that this beautiful-looking green forest is not meant for your leisurely morning walks but rather holds an ill-fated reputation of being the world's second most popular place to commit suicide (first is the Golden Gate Bridge)! I wish it was a joke but this is the utter truth behind this gorgeous yet eerie looking forest in Japan, which is less than 2 hours away from Tokyo, the bustling capital city of the country.
Read on to know more about this doomed Suicide Forest of Japan.
Location of the forest
The Aokigahara Forest or Suicide Forest is located northwest of the mighty Mount Fuji. Spread across a huge area of about 35 sq km, the forest of Aokigahara is so thick with foliage that it is also called the ‘Sea of Trees’. Getting lost here is quite easy but coming out is nearly impossible because of the denseness of the forest.
The spooky legend associated
The forest holds a reputation of being home to yÅ«rei, which according to Japanese mythology means ghosts of the dead. As per official records, around 105 bodies were discovered from the forest back in the year 2003 and most of them were severely decomposed or eaten by wild animals. Most of the Japanese spiritualists are of the belief that these suicides have permeated Aokigahara’s trees, which in return has given birth to paranormal activities.
Location of the forest
The Aokigahara Forest or Suicide Forest is located northwest of the mighty Mount Fuji. Spread across a huge area of about 35 sq km, the forest of Aokigahara is so thick with foliage that it is also called the ‘Sea of Trees’. Getting lost here is quite easy but coming out is nearly impossible because of the denseness of the forest.
The spooky legend associated
The forest holds a reputation of being home to yÅ«rei, which according to Japanese mythology means ghosts of the dead. As per official records, around 105 bodies were discovered from the forest back in the year 2003 and most of them were severely decomposed or eaten by wild animals. Most of the Japanese spiritualists are of the belief that these suicides have permeated Aokigahara’s trees, which in return has given birth to paranormal activities.
Secondly, all the modern technologies and devices such as compasses and mobile phones fail here due to rich deposits of magnetic irons created by volcanic soil in the region. Compasses behave weirdly and show wrong directions while mobile phones don’t receive signals. So now you know why coming out of the forest is nearly impossible. Because nothing works inside the forest!
According to people, the bodies of the people who commit suicide must not be left alone in the jungle so forest workers bring them back and these corpses are kept in a special room of the local forest police station. It is done because people believe that it’s a bad luck for the suicide victims and their spirits cry and scream whole night and move their own bodies.
A budding hub for hikers and adventure seekers
According to people, the bodies of the people who commit suicide must not be left alone in the jungle so forest workers bring them back and these corpses are kept in a special room of the local forest police station. It is done because people believe that it’s a bad luck for the suicide victims and their spirits cry and scream whole night and move their own bodies.
A budding hub for hikers and adventure seekers
Being naturally beautiful, the place is visited by hikers and adventure lovers in large numbers who come to witness the beauty of Mount Fuji from here. Also those who visit the forest for tourism purposes don’t come alone and also keep a plastic tape with them as a marker to avoid getting lost. They keep marking the trees with plastic ribbon or tape and loop around the trees, which helps them finding their way back. In addition to this, the forest is home to some unique trees which are more than 300 years old, another feature of the forest.
Things to keep in mind before you visit
Things to keep in mind before you visit
Don’t leave the path and follow the signs always.
Don’t ever venture alone
Always carry a plastic tape or ribbon as marker
Avoid visiting during night time
Don’t ever venture alone
Always carry a plastic tape or ribbon as marker
Avoid visiting during night time
Hutan Bunuh Diri Jepang dan kebenarannya yang mengejutkan!
'Pikirkan baik-baik tentang anak-anak Anda, keluarga Anda,' dan 'Hidup Anda adalah hadiah berharga dari orang tua Anda'.
Ini adalah kata-kata peringatan yang akan Anda baca di luar pintu masuk Hutan Aokigahara di Jepang, juga dikenal sebagai Hutan Bunuh Diri secara global. Jadi, pernah mendengar Hutan Aokigahara Jepang? Jika tidak, izinkan saya memberi tahu Anda bahwa hutan hijau yang tampak indah ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk jalan-jalan santai Anda di pagi hari, melainkan memiliki reputasi naas sebagai tempat paling populer kedua di dunia untuk bunuh diri (pertama adalah Jembatan Golden Gate)! Saya berharap ini adalah lelucon tapi ini adalah kebenaran di balik hutan cantik namun menakutkan di Jepang ini, yang berjarak kurang dari 2 jam dari Tokyo, ibu kota negara yang ramai.
Baca terus untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang Hutan Bunuh Diri Jepang yang hancur ini.
Lokasi hutan
Hutan Aokigahara atau Hutan Bunuh Diri terletak di barat laut Gunung Fuji yang perkasa. Tersebar di area seluas sekitar 35 km persegi, hutan Aokigahara begitu lebat dengan dedaunan sehingga disebut juga 'Lautan Pohon'. Tersesat di sini cukup mudah tetapi keluar hampir tidak mungkin karena lebatnya hutan.
Legenda seram terkait
Hutan ini memiliki reputasi sebagai rumah bagi yūrei, yang menurut mitologi Jepang berarti hantu orang mati. Sesuai catatan resmi, sekitar 105 mayat ditemukan dari hutan pada tahun 2003 dan kebanyakan dari mereka telah membusuk parah atau dimakan oleh hewan liar. Sebagian besar spiritualis Jepang percaya bahwa bunuh diri ini telah merasuki pohon Aokigahara, yang pada gilirannya melahirkan aktivitas paranormal.
Kedua, semua teknologi dan perangkat modern seperti kompas dan ponsel gagal di sini karena kandungan besi magnetik yang kaya yang diciptakan oleh tanah vulkanik di wilayah tersebut. Kompas berperilaku aneh dan menunjukkan arah yang salah sementara ponsel tidak menerima sinyal. Jadi sekarang Anda tahu mengapa keluar dari hutan hampir tidak mungkin. Karena tidak ada yang berhasil di dalam hutan!
Menurut masyarakat, jenazah orang yang bunuh diri tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu saja di hutan sehingga petugas kehutanan membawa mereka kembali dan jenazah tersebut disimpan di ruangan khusus kantor polisi hutan setempat. Hal itu dilakukan karena masyarakat percaya bahwa korban bunuh diri membawa sial dan roh mereka menangis dan menjerit sepanjang malam dan menggerakkan tubuh mereka sendiri.
Pusat pemula untuk pejalan kaki dan pencari petualangan
Menjadi indah alami, tempat ini banyak dikunjungi oleh para pendaki dan pecinta petualangan yang datang untuk menyaksikan keindahan Gunung Fuji dari sini. Juga mereka yang mengunjungi hutan untuk tujuan wisata tidak datang sendiri dan juga membawa pita plastik sebagai penanda agar tidak tersesat. Mereka terus menandai pohon dengan pita plastik atau selotip dan melingkari pohon, yang membantu mereka menemukan jalan kembali. Selain itu, hutan ini merupakan rumah bagi beberapa pohon unik yang berumur lebih dari 300 tahun, ciri khas lain dari hutan ini.
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum berkunjung
Jangan tinggalkan jalan dan selalu ikuti rambu-rambu.
Jangan pernah menjelajah sendirian
Selalu bawa selotip atau pita plastik sebagai penanda
Hindari berkunjung pada malam hari