Former Activist 98: Whoever the Presidential Candidate, Must Ensure Never Involved in Human Rights Violations
Former 1998 Southeast Sulawesi (Southeast Sulawesi) activist Erwin Usman who is also part of the National Activists Association (Pena) 98 said that his party would not choose a presidential candidate (capres) in the 2024 presidential election (pilpres).
Erwin intended this criterion to mention that Prabowo Subianto, General Chair of the Gerindra Party who is predicted to be a presidential candidate in 2024, had been involved in the 1998 Human Rights (HAM) violation case.
"There is the name Prabowo Subianto, which, if we look at the facts and findings of Komnas HAM as well as internal DKP or TNI Officer Honorary Council, it is stated that he was involved in the student kidnapping case," Erwin said during the question and answer session at the PENA 98 press conference entitled "We Don't ForgetWho did it" at Graha PENA 98, Menteng, Jakarta on Thursday (4/5).
According to him, it is important to see the track record of a presidential candidate who will be elected by the people. Moreover, related to human rights violations which are extraordinary crimes so that they should not be repeated in Indonesia.
"Whoever is the 2024 presidential candidate, it must be ensured that he has never been involved in human rights violations. This year we will ensure that Indonesia is free from human rights violations," he said.
Erwin said the kidnapping of the three activists whose whereabouts are unknown and has not been resolved for 25 years is indeed hampered by the process of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas) submitting to the Attorney General's Office.
However, currently the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has been encouraged to immediately resolve this case of gross human rights violations.
"The good news is that Jokowi's government has been encouraged to resolve these cases before October 2023, before the Jokowi-Amin period ends," he added.
It is known that today PENA 98 held a press conference Rejecting Forgetting 25 Years of Reform. The agenda was attended by several former activists who had fought against the Suharto regime during the May 1998 riots.
Eks Aktivis 98: Siapa Pun Capresnya, Harus Dipastikan Tak Pernah Terlibat Pelanggaran HAM
Eks Aktivis 1998 Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) Erwin Usman yang juga merupakan bagian dari Persatuan Aktivis Nasional (Pena) 98 mengatakan pihaknya tidak akan memilih calon presiden (capres) dalam pemilihan presiden (pilpres) 2024.
Kriteria itu, Erwin maksudkan untuk menyebut Prabowo Subianto, Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra yang digadang-gadang akan menjadi bakal calon presiden 2024, pernah terlinat dalam kasus pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) tahun 1998.
"Ada nama Prabowo Subianto yang jika dilihat pada fakta dan temuan Komnas HAM dan juga internal DKP atau Dewan Kehormatan Perwira TNI, disebutkan bahwa yang bersangkutan terlibat dalam kasus penculikan mahasiswa," ujar Erwin saat sesi tanya jawab konferensi pers PENA 98 berjudul "Kami Tidak Lupa Siapa Pelakunya" di Graha PENA 98, Menteng, Jakarta pada Kamis, (4/5).
Menurutnya, penting melihat rekam jejak seorang calon presiden yang nanti akan dipilih oleh rakyat. Apalagi, terkait pelanggaran HAM yang merupakan kejahatan luar biasa atau extraordinary crime sehingga tidak boleh terulang kembali di Indonesia.
"Siapapun capres 2024, harus dipastikan bahwa dia tidak pernah terlibat praktik pelanggaran HAM. Tahun ini kita memastikan indonesia bersih pelanggaran HAM," tegasnya.
Erwin menyebutkan, penculikan tiga orang aktivis yang sampai saat ini belum diketahui keberadaannya dan tak kunjung usai selama 25 tahun tersebut memang terkendala di proses berkas dari Komisi Nasional (Komnas) HAM ke Kejaksaan Agung.
Namun, saat ini Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) telah didorong untuk segera menuntaskan kasus pelanggaran HAM berat tersebut.
"Kabar baiknya adalah pemerintah Jokowi sudah didorong agar kasus-kasus tersebut agar segera dituntaskan sebelum Oktober 2023, sebelum masa Jokowi-Amin ini berakhir," imbuhnya.
Diketahui, hari ini PENA 98 menggelar konferensi pers Menolak Lupa 25 Tahun Reformasi. Agenda tersebut dihadiri oleh beberapa eks aktivis yang pernah berjuang melawan rezim Soeharto saat kerusuhan Mei 1998 lalu.
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Former Activist 98
Human Rights Violations
Must Ensure Never Involved
Whoever the Presidential Candidate