Easy Ways to Refuse Witchcraft

Easy Ways to Refuse Witchcraft
Stevie Agnecya Dies! Buya Yahya: If there is black magic when you are going to sleep, read this, it's safe
Buya Yahya

 – Celebgram Stevie Agnecya died on Thursday evening, March 21 2024 at around 19.30 WIB. The ex-wife of Samuel Rizal breathed her last breath at the age of 33 years. Until now, the family has not revealed the cause of Stevie Agnecya's death. 

Before he died, Stevie said that there had been something wrong with him. In 2023, via her Instagram account, Anggi Pratama's wife said that there was a strange object on her body, after undergoing an X-ray examination. Come on, scroll to find out the complete information. 
From there, allegations emerged that the celebgram died because of black magic. Then, what about from the Islamic perspective? Does witchcraft really exist and can kill humans? 
Stevie Agnecya Photo : IG @steviagnecya

The preacher, Buya Yahya does not deny that black magic really does exist in this world. However, it is good that all matters of life are not related to black magic. 

"There is black disease, there is something called black magic. But don't let your life be related to black magic. Black magic is on the radar, if you believe more you will come in later. Never mind, just be careless about reciting lots of remembrance of Allah," said Buya Yahya on YouTube Al-Bahjah TV , quoted Friday 22 March 2024. 
If you really believe you have been sent by black magic or want to prevent being affected by black magic, Buya Yahya suggests reading a number of short letters and prayers before going to bed. 
"Usually, when people want to do black magic, they give the influence, 'Watch out, don't come too close to this'. So sometimes they are influenced first. If there is black magic when we are about to sleep, read, Al Falaq, An-Nas, like what Rasulullah did to Sayyidina Hasan and Sayyidina Husein. Plus Ayat Kursi, it's safe, you don't need to be afraid of black magic," he explained. 
However, if you are still afraid of black magic, Buya Yahya said that the person concerned must have been influenced by watching soap operas or even believe more in shamans. Buya didn't want that either. 

"Be more confident in the Prophet Muhammad," he said. 

Therefore, Buya Yahya asks us not to think too much about black magic and focus on getting closer to Allah SWT. 

"Never mind, don't think it's black magic. Black magic exists. The Prophet Muhammad was affected by magic but it won't have much of an effect, let's just pass by that later. Why can it come in (black magic)? How can it not come in, you think about it until you go to a shaman too," he concluded. 
"Someone came to our place asking for black magic medicine. Did you get black magic? Yes, I got black magic. Where's the black magic? I'm dizzy. Yes, you keep thinking about it. Go into the mosque, your heart will be calm later," added Buya Yahya. 

"Usually, when people want to do black magic, they give the influence, 'Watch out, don't come too close to this'. So sometimes they are influenced first. If there is black magic when we are about to sleep, read, Al Falaq, An-Nas, like what Rasulullah did to Sayyidina Hasan and Sayyidina Husein. Plus Ayat Kursi, it's safe, you don't need to be afraid of black magic," he explained. 

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