Mark Zuckerberg is now a cattle farmer!
Photo: Reuters
- One of the richest people in the world, Mark Zuckerberg, is starting a new business on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. In contrast to his current business which operates in the technology sector, this time the Facebook and Instagram boss is building a cattle farming business.
This information was conveyed by Zuckerberg through the latest upload on his official Instagram account. In the upload he also shared a number of photos of himself enjoying processed beef from his farm.
Zuckerberg said the farm was built to produce the best beef in the world. Because according to his confession, the farm raises Wagyu and Angus cattle, where these cattle are raised by eating macadamia plants and drinking specially prepared beer.
"Started raising cattle at Ko'olau Ranch on Kauai (Hawaii), and my goal is to create the best quality beef in the world," said Zuckerberg in an upload on his Instagram, quoted Wednesday (10/1/2024).
Zuckerberg further explained that he wanted the entire process of raising these cows to be local and vertically integrated. Therefore, he directly planted macadamia trees which became food for his livestock.
"Each cow eats 5,000-10,000 pounds of food every year, so that's a lot of acres of macadamia trees. My daughter helps plant the macadamia trees and takes care of the various animals," he said.
"We are still in the early stages of the journey and it is very exciting to continue to improve it every season. Of all my (business) projects, this is the most delicious," added Zuckerberg.
Meanwhile, based on a report by The Telegraph, the capital needed by Mark Zuckerberg to build this farm reaches US$ 100 million or the equivalent of Rp. 1.55 trillion. This farm stands on an area of approximately 1,400 hectares.
It is known that the capital invested by the founder of Meta was indeed very large, because the farm he built had a number of facilities in the form of an underground bunker and a network of tree houses for Zuckerberg and his family.
Then in this livestock 'complex' area there are also two large houses covering an area of 57,000 square feet complete with elevators, offices, conference rooms and luxury kitchens. This means that the area is not only used by Mark Zuckerberg as a place to keep cows, but also as a place to live and protect in the event of a disaster.
Mark Zuckerberg Sekarang Jadi Peternak Sapi!
Foto: Reuters
- Salah seorang paling kaya di dunia, Mark Zuckerberg, sedang memulai bisnis barunya di kepulauan Kauai, Hawaii. Berbeda dengan bisnisnya selama ini yang bergerak di bidang teknologi, kali ini bos Facebook dan Instagram itu tengah membangun usaha ternak sapi.
Informasi ini disampaikan Zuckerberg melalui unggahan terbaru di akun Instagram resmi miliknya. Dalam unggahan itu ia juga membagikan sejumlah foto dirinya sedang menikmati olahan daging sapi dari peternakannya.
Zuckerberg menyebut peternakan itu dibangun untuk memproduksi daging sapi terbaik di dunia. Sebab menurut pengakuannya peternakan itu memelihara sapi jenis wagyu dan angus, di mana sapi-sapi ini dibesarkan dengan memakan tanaman macadamia dan minum bir yang disediakan secara khusus.
"Mulai beternak sapi di Peternakan Ko'olau di Kauai (Hawaii), dan tujuan saya adalah menciptakan daging sapi dengan kualitas terbaik di dunia," kata Zuckerberg dalam unggahan di Instagramnya, dikutip Rabu (10/1/2024).
Lebih lanjut Zuckerberg menjelaskan dirinya ingin seluruh proses pemeliharaan sapi-sapi ini bersifat lokal dan terintegrasi secara vertikal. Karenanya ia menanam langsung pohon-pohon macadamia yang menjadi pangan ternaknya.
"Setiap sapi memakan 5.000-10.000 pon makanan setiap tahunnya, karena itu banyak sekali hektar pohon macadamia. Putri saya membantu menanam pohon macadamia dan merawat berbagai hewan," ungkapnya.
"Kami masih dalam tahap awal perjalanan dan sangat menyenangkan untuk terus meningkatkannya setiap musim. Dari semua proyek (bisnis) saya, ini yang paling enak," tambah Zuckerberg.
Sementara itu berdasarkan laporan The Telegraph, modal yang dibutuhkan Mark Zuckerberg untuk membangun peternakan ini mencapai US$ 100 juta atau setara dengan Rp 1,55 triliun. Peternakan ini berdiri di lahan seluas kurang lebih 1.400 hektar.
Diketahui modal yang digelontorkan pendiri Meta ini memanglah sangat besar, sebab peternakan yang dibangunnya itu memiliki sejumlah fasilitas berupa bunker bawah tanah dan jaringan rumah pohon untuk Zuckerberg dan keluarganya.
Kemudian dalam kawasan 'komplek' peternakan ini juga berdiri dua rumah besar seluas 57,000 kaki persegi lengkap dengan lift, kantor, ruang konferensi, dan dapur mewah. Artinya kawasan itu tidak hanya digunakan Mark Zuckerberg sebagai tempat memelihara sapi, tapi juga sebagai tempat tinggal hingga perlindungan bila ada bencana.