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PPATK Finds Indications of Criminal Acts in Syahrul Yasin Limpo's Account

PPATK Finds Indications of Criminal Acts in Syahrul Yasin Limpo's Account

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo greeted the party management when giving a press statement at the NasDem Party DPP Office, Jakarta, Thursday (5/10/2023). PHOTO/MPI/YULIANTO

- The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center ( PPATK ) found indications of criminal acts in the banking activities of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL). The amount of odd banking activities reaches billions of rupiah. 

"It's worth billions," said Head of Public Relations of PPATK, Natsir Kongah when contacted, Friday (6/10/2023). 
"Several parties, including the person concerned (Syahrul Yasin Limpo)," said Natsir when asked whether there was an odd flow of funds into Syahrul Yasin Limpo's account. 

According to Natsir, these findings have been submitted to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigation team. "Several months ago we conveyed the results of the analysis in question to investigators," he said. 

For your information, the Corruption Eradication Committee has reportedly named three people as suspects in connection with a number of alleged corruption cases at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). The three people are former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo; Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono, as well as Director of Agricultural Machinery Equipment of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta. 
"Yes, he is already a suspect," said the source when confirming the determination of the third suspect, Friday (29/9/2023). 

Meanwhile, Ali Fikri answered diplomatically when confirmed regarding the determination of the suspect. Ali explained that his party is currently still collecting evidence to strengthen the case being investigated. 
"What is certain is that the Corruption Eradication Commission continues to collect evidence. As we often say, the Corruption Eradication Committee will only convey the entire process of handling the case in its entirety at the right time after all the investigation processes have been carried out," said Ali Fikri when confirmed separately. 

PPATK Temukan Indikasi Tindak Pidana di Rekening Syahrul Yasin Limpo

Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo memberikan salam ke jajaran pengurus partai saat memberikan keterangan pers di Kantor DPP Partai NasDem, Jakarta, Kamis (5/10/2023). FOTO/MPI/YULIANTO

 - Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan ( PPATK ) menemukan indikasi tindak pidana dalam aktivitas perbankan mantan Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL). Nominal aktivitas perbankan yang janggal mencapai miliaran rupiah.

"Nilainya miliaran," kata Kepala Humas PPATK, Natsir Kongah saat dihubungi, Jumat (6/10/2023).
"Beberapa pihak, termasuk yang bersangkutan (Syahrul Yasin Limpo)," kata Natsir ketika ditanya apakah aliran dana yang janggal masuk ke rekening Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

Menurut Natsir, temuan tersebut telah diserahkan ke tim penyidik Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). "Beberapa bulan lalu hasil analisis terkait yang bersangkutan sudah kami sampaikan kepada penyidik," ujarnya.

Untuk diketahui, KPK dikabarkan telah menetapkan tiga orang sebagai tersangka terkait sejumlah kasus dugaan korupsi di Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan). Ketiga orang tersebut adalah mantan Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo; Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Kementan Kasdi Subagyono, serta Direktur Alat Mesin Pertanian Kementan Muhammad Hatta.
"Ya sudah jadi tersangka," kata sumber saat dikonfirmasi soal penetapan tersangka ketiganya, Jumat (29/9/2023).

Sementara itu, Ali Fikri menjawab diplomatis saat dikonfirmasi soal penetapan tersangka tersebut. Ali menerangkan bahwa pihaknya saat ini masih mengumpulkan alat bukti untuk menguatkan kasus yang sedang disidik.
"Yang pasti pengumpulan bukti terus KPK lakukan. Sebagaimana yang sering kami sampaikan, KPK hanya akan sampaikan seluruh proses penanganan perkara secara utuh pada saatnya setelah semua proses penyidikan cukup dilakukan," kata Ali Fikri saat dikonfirmasi terpisah.

Source: sindo news
