6 Jokowi Ministers Arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Who Takes the Most Money from the State?
President Jokowi accompanied by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin announced the composition of the 2019-2024 Advanced Indonesia Cabinet at the Presidential Palace, Wednesday (23/10/2019). (Antara) - 6 Jokowi Ministers Arrested by the Corruption Eradication Committee, Who Has the Biggest Loss to the State?
Suara.com - Talking about the government in the era of President Joko Widodo which will soon end, of course there are many pros and cons that emerge. However, one thing that is certain is that quite a few of Jokowi's ministers were robbed by the KPK, which means that high-level corruption still exists within the ministry.
Syahrul Yasin Limpo is the latest minister suspected by the Corruption Eradication Commission of corruption of a large amount. This article will then try to map out which ministers who served in the era of President Jokowi's government were arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), and became suspects in corruption cases and the like.
1. Syahrul Yasin Limpo
The Minister of Agriculture is suspected of receiving gifts, promises or something by PN or those representing him within the Ministry of Agriculture. Until now, the case is still in the investigation stage, and strengthening evidence is continuing to be collected which will be used in the next process.
He himself was reported missing several days ago while on a visit abroad. However, he has recently returned to Indonesia and is ready to face the process that will be carried out.
2. Johnny G Plate
Serving as Minister of Communication and Information, his name was caught in the corruption case for the BAKTI Kominfo BTS procurement project. Due to this corruption, state losses are estimated to have reached IDR 8 trillion.
The legal process is continuing and according to reports circulating he faces a life sentence.
3. Idrus Marham
The former Minister of Social Affairs was also one of the names of Jokowi's ministers who were targeted by the Corruption Eradication Commission. The case is corruption at PLTU Riau-1, and receiving a bribe of Rp. 2.25 billion from businessman Johanes Budisutrisno Kotjo.
The sentence itself is 2 years in prison at the Supreme Court cassation level, and a fine of IDR 50 million subsidiary to 3 months in prison.
4. Imam Nahrawi
He once served as Minister of Youth and Sports. However, he was caught in a corruption case over the provision of Ministry of Youth and Sports grant funds to KONI, namely gratuities amounting to IDR 8.3 billion.
The sentence handed down to him was 7 years in prison and a fine of IDR 400 million subsidiary 3 months in prison.
5. Juliari Batubara
The corruption case has clearly attracted public attention, because it occurred during the pandemic. The corruption case that involved him was accepting bribes related to the provision of COVID-19 social assistance, amounting to IDR 23.48 billion.
The sentence itself is 12 years and a fine of IDR 500 million.
6. Edhy Prabowo
The position of Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries actually becomes an opportunity to commit acts of corruption. The case that ensnared him was bribery related to processing permits for cultivating lobsters and exporting lobster fry amounting to IDR 25.7 billion.
The sentence imposed was 5 years in prison and a fine of IDR 400 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison.
That was the list of Jokowi's ministers drawn up by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) from the beginning of his term of office until the most recent one yesterday. Hope it's useful!
Contributor : I Made Rendika Ardian
6 Menteri Jokowi Digaruk KPK, Siapa Paling Besar Colong Duit Negara?
Presiden Jokowi didampingi Wapres Ma'ruf Amin mengumumkan susunan Kabinet Indonesia Maju 2019-2024 di Istana Kepresidenan, Rabu (23/10/2019). (Antara) - 6 Menteri Jokowi Digaruk KPK, Siapa Paling Besar Rugikan Negara?
Suara.com - Berbicara mengenai pemerintahan di era Presiden Joko Widodo yang akan segera berakhir ini, tentu banyak sekali pro dan kontra yang muncul. Namun satu hal yang pasti adalah bahwa tak sedikit menteri Jokowi digaruk KPK, yang artinya korupsi tingkat tinggi masih ada di dalam kementerian.
Syahrul Yasin Limpo adalah menteri terakhir yang diduga oleh KPK melakukan korupsi dengan nilai yang tidak kecil. Artikel ini kemudian akan mencoba memetakan siapa saja menteri yang pernah menjabat di era pemerintahan Presiden Jokowi yang digaruk oleh KPK, dan menjadi tersangka atas kasus korupsi dan sejenisnya.
1. Syahrul Yasin Limpo
Menteri Pertanian ini diduga menerima hadiah, janji, atau sesuatu oleh PN atau yang mewakilinya di lingkungan Kementerian Pertanian. Hingga saat ini kasusnya masih dalam tahap penyelidikan, dan terus dikumpulkan bukti penguat yang digunakan dalam proses berikutnya.
Ia sendiri sempat dikabarkan hilang beberapa hari yang lalu ketika melakukan kunjungan di luar negeri. Namun belakangan sudah kembali ke Indonesia, dan siap menghadapi proses yang akan dilakukan.
2. Johnny G Plate
Menjabat sebagai Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi, namanya terjerat kasus korupsi proyek pengadaan BTS BAKTI Kominfo. Atas korupsi yang dilakukannya ini, kerugian negara ditengarai mencapai Rp 8 triliun.
Proses hukum terus berjalan dan menurut kabar yang beredar ancaman hukuman yang dihadapinya adalah seumur hidup.
3. Idrus Marham
Mantan Menteri Sosial ini juga menjadi salah satu nama menteri Jokowi digaruk KPK. Kasusnya adalah korupsi PLTU Riau-1, dan menerima suap sebesar Rp 2,25 miliar dari pengusaha Johanes Budisutrisno Kotjo.
Untuk vonisnya sendiri adalah 2 tahun penjara ditingkat kasasi MA, dan denda Rp50 juta subsider 3 bulan kurungan.
4. Imam Nahrawi
Namanya pernah menjabat sebagai Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga. Namun ia terjerat kasus korupsi atas pemberian dana hibah Kemenpora pada KONI, yakni gratifikasi sebesar Rp 8,3 miliar.
Vonis yang dijatuhkan padanya adalah 7 tahun penjara dan denda Rp 400 juta subsider 3 bulan kurungan.
5. Juliari Batubara
Kasus korupsinya jelas menyita perhatian publik, karena terjadi pada masa pandemi. Kasus korupsi yang menjeratnya adalah penerimaan suap terkait pengadaan bantuan sosial COVID-19, sebesar Rp 23,48 miliar.
Untuk vonisnya sendiri adalah 12 tahun dan denda sebesar Rp 500 juta.
6. Edhy Prabowo
Jabatan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan justru menjadi kesempatan untuk melakukan tindakan korupsi. Kasus yang menjeratnya adalah suap terkait pengurusan izin budidaya lobster dan ekspor benih benur lobster sebesar Rp 25,7 miliar.
Vonis yang dijatuhkan sendiri adalah 5 tahun penjara dan denda Rp400 juta subsider 6 bulan kurungan.
Itu tadi daftar menteri Jokowi digaruk KPK sejak awal masa jabatannya hingga yang terbaru kemarin. Semoga berguna!
Kontributor : I Made Rendika Ardian
Source: suara.com
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6 Jokowi Ministers
Corruption Eradication Commission
Who Takes the Most Money from the State?