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Finals! Joe Biden Blocks China's Chips at the Root

Finals! Joe Biden Blocks China's Chips at the Root


- Joe Biden's administration is in the final stages of rolling out new rules to block Chinese technology. This rule will expand the ban previously announced last year. 

In October 2022, the United States (US) released rules preventing access to AI chips. Additionally, the US also restricted imports of chipmaking equipment to China. 
The local government said the aim of the restrictions was to prevent US technology from being used by the Chinese military. 
Exactly a year later, Joe Biden's government plans to develop that rule. They will expand the technology that is prohibited from being sent to China. 

Reuters wrote that the new rules will limit shipments of semiconductor equipment to advanced AI chips to China, quoted Thursday (12/10/2023). 
According to the Office Management and Budget website, regulations regarding the control of high-end chips, advanced computing integrated circuits (ICs), and supercomputers were accepted for review on October 10, 2023. 
Reuters also said a spokesperson for the United States (US) Department of Commerce declined to comment on the report. 
The former official said the rules would not be posted by the government agency until there was an agreement between the agencies. It consists of the Departments of State, Defense, Trade and Energy. 

However, the inter-agency permitting process also appears to be slowing down the process of approving new regulations. 
Previously, the spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Washington, Liu Pengyu, reacted strongly to plans to develop US export ban rules. 
"China firmly opposes excessive US efforts to implement the concept of national security and abuse of export control measures to inadvertently weaken enterprises in China," he explained. 

Final! Joe Biden Blokir Chip China Sampai ke Akar


 - Pemerintahan Joe Biden berada di tahap akhir meluncurkan aturan baru untuk memblokir teknologi China. Aturan ini akan memperluas larangan yang sebelumnya telah diumumkan pada tahun lalu.

Pada Oktober 2022 lalu, Amerika Serikat (AS) merilis aturan mencegah akses chip AI. Selain itu, AS juga membatasi impor alat pembuat chip ke China.
Pemerintah setempat menyebutkan tujuan aturan pembatasan akan mencegah teknologi AS digunakan oleh militer China. 
Tepat setahun kemudian, pemerintah Joe Biden berencana mengembangkan aturan itu. Mereka akan memperluas teknologi yang dilarang untuk dikirim ke China.

Reuters menuliskan aturan baru itu akan membatasi pengiriman peralatan semikonduktor hingga chip AI canggih ke China, dikutip Kamis (12/10/2023).
Berdasarkan situs web Office Management and Budget, aturan soal kontrol chip high-end, sirkuit terintegrasi komputasi canggih (IC), serta superkomputer telah diterima untuk ditinjau pada 10 Oktober 2023 lalu.
Reuters juga mengatakan juru bicara Departemen Perdagangan Amerika Serikat (AS) menolak mengomentari laporan tersebut.
Mantan pejabat menyebutkan aturan itu tidak akan di-posting oleh lembaga pemerintahan tersebut hingga ada kesepakatan antar lembaga. Ini terdiri dari Departemen Luar Luar Negeri, Pertahanan, Perdagangan dan Energi.

Namun, proses izin antar lembaga nampaknya juga bisa memperlambat proses persetujuan aturan baru.
Sebelumnya, juru bicara kedutaan besar China di Washington, Liu Pengyu, bereaksi keras atas rencana pengembangan aturan larangan ekspor AS.
"China dengan tegas menentang upaya AS yang berlebihan untuk menerapkan konsep keamanan nasional dan penyalahgunaan langkah-langkah pengendalian ekspor untuk secara tidak sengaja melemahkan perusahaan di China," jelasnya.
