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Panglima TNI Minta Paspampres Praka RM Dihukum Mati, Pelaku Culik dan Bunuh Pemuda Asal Aceh

Panglima TNI Minta Paspampres Praka RM Dihukum Mati, Pelaku Culik dan Bunuh Pemuda Asal Aceh

Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono. (Foto: Puspen TNI)

FAJAR.CO.ID, JAKARTA- Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono meminta pelaku penculikan dan pembunuhan pemuda asal Aceh, Imam Masykur dihukum berat. Yudo memastikan kasus yang melibatkan oknum paspampres ini akan diselesaikan secara tegas.

"Panglima TNI prihatin dan akan mengawal kasus ini," kata Kapuspen TNI Laksda TNI Julius Widjojono kepada wartawan, Senin (28/8).
Panglima TNI memastikan pelaku Praka RM akan dihukum berat atas tindakanya. Bahkan bisa dihukum mati.
"Agar pelaku dihukum berat, maksimal hukuman mati, minimal hukuman seumur hidup," jelas Julius.

Potret Paspampres Praka RM yang Diduga Aniaya Pemuda Aceh (Foto:

Sebelumnya, seorang pemuda berusia 25 tahun bernama Imam Masykur, warga Kecamatan Gandapura, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, dilaporkan menginggal dunia. Korban diculik dan dianiaya sejumlah oknum militer.m
Akun media sosial X (dulu Twitter) bernama @Aceh mengungkapkan, oknum tersebut terdiri atas 3 orang TNI yaitu 1 dari Paspampres dan 2 orang lagi dari satuan Kopasus.

Berdasar informasi dari akun tersebut, kejadian bermula saat korban dilaporkan menghilang dan diduga diculik pada 12 Agustus di kawasan Rempoa, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan.
Setelah itu, keluarga korban mengaku masih menerima telepon dari korban. Saat itu korban menyebutkan sedang dianiaya pelaku yang menjemputnya secara paksa.

Para pelaku juga mengirimkan pada keluarga korban video penyiksaan yang akhirnya saat ini viral di media sosial.
Video pertama memperlihatkan korban dipukul berulang kali di bagian punggung menggunakan benda tumpul. Saat yang bersamaan pelaku mengancam pihak keluarga untuk segera mentransfer uang tebusan Rp 50 juta.

Potret Paspampres Praka RM yang Diduga Aniaya Pemuda Aceh (Foto:

Pelaku tersebut juga mengatakan apabila uangnya tidak segera dikirimkan, korban akan dihabisi kemudian dibuang ke sungai.
Di video lain terlihat punggung korban yang sudah dipenuhi luka lebam dan berdarah. Korban juga diketahui menelepon temannya guna meminta bantuan agar dapat meminjamkan sejumlah uang sesuai permintaan pelaku. Dia mengaku sudah tidak kuat disiksa lagi.
Setelah itu, korban tidak dapat dihubungi dan tidak kunjung pulang ke rumah. Akhirnya pihak keluarga yang diwakili Said Sulaiman melaporkan kejadian tersebut ke Polda Metro Jaya pada 14 Agustus.
Namun setelah berhari-hari tidak ada kabar dari korban, baru pada 24 Agustus pihak keluarga korban mendatangi RSPAD Jakarta Pusat guna menjemput Imam Masykur yang telah meninggal.(jpg/fajar)

TNI Commander Requests Paspampres Praka RM Sentenced to Death, Actor of Kidnapping and Killing Youth from Aceh

JAKARTA- TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono asked for the perpetrators of the kidnapping and murder of a young man from Aceh, Imam Masykur, to be severely punished. Yudo ensured that cases involving members of the Presidential Guard would be dealt with in a strict manner. 

"The TNI commander is concerned and will oversee this case," said Head of the TNI Information Center Rear Admiral TNI Julius Widjojono to journalists, Monday (28/8). 
The TNI Commander ensured that the perpetrators of Praka RM would be severely punished for their actions. It can even be executed. 
"In order for the perpetrators to be severely punished, the maximum penalty is death, at least a life sentence," explained Julius. 

Previously, a 25-year-old youth named Imam Masykur, a resident of Gandapura District, Bireuen District, Aceh, was reported to have passed away. The victim was kidnapped and abused by a number of military personnel. m
X's social media account (formerly Twitter) named @Aceh revealed that the person consisted of 3 members of the TNI, 1 from Paspampres and 2 from the Special Forces Unit. 

Based on information from this account, the incident began when the victim was reported missing and allegedly kidnapped on August 12 in the Rempoa area, East Ciputat, South Tangerang. 
After that, the victim's family admitted that they were still receiving calls from the victim. At that time the victim stated that he was being abused by the perpetrator who forcibly picked him up. 

The perpetrators also sent the victim's family a video of torture which has now gone viral on social media. 
The first video shows the victim being hit repeatedly in the back using a blunt object. At the same time, the perpetrator threatened the family to immediately transfer a ransom of Rp. 50 million. 

The perpetrator also said that if the money was not sent immediately, the victim would be killed and then thrown into the river. 
In another video, the victim's back is covered in bruises and bleeding. The victim is also known to have called his friend to ask for help so he can lend some money according to the perpetrator's request. He said he couldn't stand being tortured anymore. 

After that, the victim could not be contacted and did not go home. Finally, the family represented by Said Sulaiman reported the incident to Polda Metro Jaya on August 14. 
However, after days of no news from the victim, it was only on August 24 that the victim's family came to the Central Jakarta Army Hospital to pick up Imam Masykur who had died.(jpg/dawn)
